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Spiritual Letter 128 ------------"E-mail Version" ----- About Spiritual Letter 128
Title of Spiritual Letter:                   - With Outline -          -- Go To "Expanded Title"
          "Understanding "Who You Already Are",                 -- Go To "Main Go To"
                    And "Where You Already Are",
                    And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
                    While You Still Can,
          Before This Kind of Understanding
                    Is No Longer Available To You,
                    Because You Have Become
                    What God Has Discarded From Himself,
                    In Order To Become God Within You"

Time Period Written:  May, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

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Go To:  Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 128 ------------------------------------ Available
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                    "About Spiritual Letter 128"
                    "Expanded Title"
Go To:  Outline - of Spiritual Letter 128 ---------------------------------------------- Available
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                    "Longer Outline" - for Page 1 & 2
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"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 128
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1.  Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God.

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3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you,
and transform your wisdom
which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?

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4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are Now the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?

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5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you

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6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  That would be good.  Good for you as in truth "Us" happening within you, Good for "Us" as Now the "Within God" within you, and Good for the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

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9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic,
like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is,
only God can return to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God, not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End, not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of
Light can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start. And to do this, you must be truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and done with your parent's false story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God, that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness".

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10.  What Part of You Is Already God? - And What Part Of You Is Not God, Is Not
Already God?  Well that part of you that is "Within God" within you, and Everything
that "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, is already God within you.
And that part of you that is "outside" of God within you, and "outside" of what "God is
doing" within you, all of which has been discarded by God within you, is Not God
within you  It is just this simple.  The problem is that in your ignorance and Now in
your arrogance about your ignorance you are no longer seeing and you are no longer
experiencing God within you as Part of your life, and what is "Within God" within you
as Part of your life, and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, as
Part of your life, all of which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of
all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of
you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  The problem is that all that you are
currently seeing and experiencing as your whole life is what has been discarded from
God within you, which first is satan and his followers, and then is Adam and Eve
(peace be upon Them), after they are seduced by satan and his followers, that is,
when they "Forgot God and fell into many a trap", all of which have Now become the
lives of darkness and evil that have grow within you, in your ignorance and in your
arrogance about your ignorance, when you as a child of 2 to 3 years, as a Child of
Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), then also "Forgot God and fell into many a

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11.  A Better Understanding of Adam (A.S.) - that is, as the "School of Contrast"
within God within you, as the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you answering His
Question of God, that is, of the Nur of God, the Question, "Who am I?", and within
that, as the "School of Light" within God within you, as the Nur of God answering His
Question of God, the Question, "Who am I?" , so God can Then Answer His Question, that God asked of God in Anathi, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding, that is, before the beginningless beginning, before Aathi, before the time of Light, the Quesiton, "Who am I?.  Amen. Ok?
12.  A Better Understanding of "The Here" & "The Hereafter" - as the Qutbiyyat of
God, as the "School of Contrast" within God within you, and as the Nur, as the
"School of Light" within True Man within God within you
13.  And What's Next? - if you like, and this is something you and My Children
must Start to be clear about, because Everything Before is all leading Up To You,
You Are The Point of the Whole Thing, of the One Thing, of the God Thing, not
anything else, not anything leading up to Now. So only Now can it be done Right,
only Now can it Finish, such is the importance of you and your age and your life, of all
life Now living in this age, and this is why Everything of God has been pleading with
God, from the Beginning to be allowed to be in the world Now, at this time, for Now is
the Time, Now is when It All Finishes, Now is when it All Makes Sense, if you like,
for Still the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to Let God Finish What
God Is Doing, Again, but this time within you, so this time In The End, "No Child Is
Left Behind", this time in the End, there is nothing still "Separating God" from God
within you

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14.  Understanding Your Work - which is "you leaving", again, and again, and again, in more and more subtle ways, So God can "Come Forward", Again and Again and Again, in more and more subtle ways, as is appropriate for each Stage in God's Story,
as the "True Disciple" within "your presence", then as the Guru in "God's Presence", then as The Light of Wisdom in True Prayer, then as the "Hereafter" Here and Now with the "Light of Heaven", then as God and True Man within God, then as God as the "Power within the Essence of Everything" and Again Everything, that is, Everything just waiting to happen Again, if You like.  Amen. Ok?
15.  Closing Greeting - heart to heart, if you like

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"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 128
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Page 01 - the Page you are Currently reading

1.  Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God.  That is, at the level of the Qutbiyyat of God which in truth is the First of God's Schools within God within you, the School which your soul is Now attending, if you like, if you will let it, which is the "School of Contrast" within God within you, where your soul can take refuge within your Guru, take refuge from you, from you living in the world as the Enemy of the soul, as the life of the "Shirt", that is, of the 7 Robes, of the Dream, of the Drama of "I and you" and of "mine and yours", that is take refuge from the life of your mind and body that you are Now falsely experiencing as "Who you are", and as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life, but all of which is "Just Not True".  All of which in truth is the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you, is the "School of Contrast" within God within you were you can learn about what is "separating you" from God, if you like, and then at the Next Level within God within you, at the level of the Nur or light of God within God within you, which in truth is the Second of God's Schools within God within you, which is the "School of Light", were God will teach God about God within you. That is, when your soul has joined with the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you to find and become "One with" the Nur or Light of wisdom within God within you, allowing the soul to Realize God, allowing the soul to take on the Qualities and Actions of God within God within you, if you like, that is, if you join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to let Everything that is Now separating your soul from God within you End, or at least Start to End, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children.  Before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", and claims you as "his property", dragging you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, before "The Beast" within you is destroyed by your wisdom, which is Now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

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3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you, and transform your wisdom which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?  And in this way, in your current state your soul is animating "the story" written by your parents as they rolled around on a bed like snakes, "a story" that God then took from your parents, printed, put a cover or Shirt on it, animated it with your soul, and then handed to you, "a story" that you are Now living out in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, secretly as the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, and a ghost, that is, secretly as the three sections Now below your head, and the 7 sparks that is your head, that is, below your waist as false creation, your stomach as false destruction, and your chest as false life, and for a little while as "you" living a life of "separation and differences" roaming the illusory earth world on the "outside" of you which in truth is all that you currently see and know, but which in truth is the "least of you", like the tip of an iceberg.  At least until you die to the flesh, that is, until you die to the "outside" of you, and you get the current inside of you, all of which is Now hidden from you, but this time for eternity, this time with hell becoming you eternal lot.  Because the current inside of you is not of God within you, or of what is truly "Within God" within you, or of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  But rather the current inside of you are the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, not God within you, for in truth God is just waiting in the wings within you, just waiting for you to turn back to Him, and to claim Him as "Your Property", so He can then do the same, and grow His wealth within you, and in the End harvest you and claim you as "His Property", making "Your Oneness" with God within you and your understanding of "Your Oneness" your eternal lot. That is, before you die to the flesh, before you permanently lose the "outside" of you, for you to claim God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, and what God is Now doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, as Now your wealth, that is, as Now your birthright, as Now your true heritage, as Now the destiny of your soul, instead of what you are Now currently doing, claiming all that God has discarded within you, that you Now only see as existing on the "outside" of you, as your wealth, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is in truth the fires of hell, and the attachments of all creations, that are just waiting   For if you don't truly awaken to the "Reality and Falsehood" within you, and join in partnership with God within you, to make this transition in your life, from "you" as "separate from" God, to You as "One with" God, in your own life time, or at least truly join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to Start to make this transition, before you die to the flesh, then hell will most certainly become your lot, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God becomes your eternal reward.  That is, if you are not wise, if you do not wise up before your End, that is, if you don't join with God within you to awaken from your dream, liberate your soul, and find and merge with God as His Triple Flame, returning to God the "Most Precious Treasure" which He lovingly and personally gave to you and My Children, which is your soul, and your wisdom, which in truth is How God tells and brings to Completion His Story using His Light, that is, tells and brings to Completion "God's Story" of "Your Oneness", which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man', wearing "God's Shirt" which is the "Shirt of light". 
And in this way, and only in this way, returning to the 5 elements the Shirt that God gave you
, as the temporary cover for your parent's flawed story, allowing God to transform their "flawed story" into "God's Perfect Story", but a Shirt of the 5 ruhanies that you are still wearing, and refuse to take off, and "a flawed story" that you are still trying to tell and complete, to your peril, and that is for sure, no matter what.  That is, no matter what God shows and tells you to the Contrary, that in truth "You and God are One", like all of the beautiful words of wisdom and truth and beauty contained in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, in Spiritual Letter 128, that you are Now reading, and in the all of the 127 previous Spiritual Letters ( that "We" have sent to you, and that are Now all available on-line, along with a wealth of other "Heart's Work" in the on-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (, if you like, all coming to you and My Children from the heart of "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen.  "A shirt" of darkness and "a story" of falsehood and illusion which is Now hiding your current state from you, which is the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, your current state which is preventing you from realizing your True State within God within you, which is Truth and Light, but "a shirt" of darkness you can still join with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to take off, and "a story" of falsehood that you can still join with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to correct, if you like.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of how you will spend eternity, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, for in truth there are only Two Choice, that is, "God or hell", not Three Choice, not "God, heaven, or hell", as you and My Children still mistakenly believe, again to your peril. Amen. Ok?

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4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?  That is, First the World within the World, which is your current state, that is, the World within you as the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, selfishly coming together as One to create a temporary co-operative store for their profit, not your profit, which is the World on the "outside" of you, as the "Flower of hell" within you, with "you" living a life of selfishness, of sin, of "separation from" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which in truth is within you, thinking in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that you have 1 face, when in truth you have 6 faces, you have 6 separate consciousness' making up your life, not just 1 as you and My Children Now mistakenly believe, to your peril.  That is, as the 5 impure lives who are always speaking, and as the 6th life which is the pure life or soul life hidden within you, which is always silent, which is the inner meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), not on the "outside" of you, but within you, in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) dying, not for your sins, but rather, "So You Can Sin", so you can live a life of sin on the illusory "outside" of you, a life of "separation and differences", as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  And in this way, your soul is what God uses to animate the Shirt, to give life to the Shirt, to the 5 elemental lives temporarily joined as one within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you to animate "your parent's story", that is, to animate the illusory story of "I and you", of "mine and yours" on the illusory "outside" of you, that you keep trying to tell and bring to completion on the "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance. 
And if you will let Him, God is just waiting to animate His Story
within you with you soul, that is, once you "Stop fighting with your Guru, with your Shaikh for your soul".  And your wisdom, who as the guardian for your soul, as the wisdom surrounding your soul, is what is truly experiencing that story, not you, not the 5 ruhanies, and not the soul, experiencing that false story written by "your parents", experiencing it as His Dream, as the Dream of the Qutbiyyat of God, as the Dream of your sleeping wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat of God just waiting within God within you for the Dream to End, just waiting for you to be done with the dream, and to invite Him into your life, just waiting for you to be done with your current life on the illusory "outside" of you, so your awakened wisdom can Start to do battle with the "Enemy of your soul", so Your Life can "Change Shirts" and "Change Stories", so you can put down the "shirt of darkness" and pick up the "Shirt of Light".  So you can put down the "false story" and pick up the "True Story" which is the "Story of God", the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, that you have come to this earth world, to join as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to tell, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to "Change Shirts" or not, and to "Change Stories" or not.  Amen. Ok?  That is, for your awakened wisdom, which in truth is Now the Guru within you, and for a little while is Now the Guru on the "outside" of you, to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul", which are the 5 ruhanies within you, and is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, and as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, in order to liberate the soul, to liberate Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you from His Cross within you, from the Shirt of the 5 elements, from the "false story" of your parent's, from the 5 ruhanies who are always roaming the earth world within you, from "you" on the illusory "outside" of you, living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  Please know this Now without the slightest doubt, and join with God, both within you an for a little while on the "outside" of you to awaken your wisdom, allowing our wisdom to liberate your soul, and as "One" with you liberated soul, in the form of Al-hamd, as the "Secret Form of the Truth of Allah", opening up the Next World within you, the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and then
to find and merge with the Nur, with the Body of the soul, and realize Allah, and in this
way, opening the Final World within you, the World of God within God, while you still
can. Amen. Ok?

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5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you.  That is, through this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you, which in truth is within your soul, within your soul which in truth is "Of God" within you, which in truth is the "Seed of God" buried within this earth world within you, just waiting to germinate, to germinate to the truth of you and to the truth of God hidden within you, that is, to the truth that you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, that you are "God's Happening" within God within you, and to germinate to the truth of God hidden within the truth of you, to the truth that God is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" and as such, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such "You and God Are One".  And this is God's Story within God's Shirt, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, just waiting to germinate within you, just waiting for you to let God tell and bring to Completion His Story within His Shirt, Again, but this time within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God, that is, the Choice to let God use your life to tell and bring to Completion what God started within you and My Children a very, very long time ago, which is for God to reveal God to God, for the benefit of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  Amen. Ok?

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6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  That would be good.  Good for you as in truth "Us" happening within you, Good for "Us" as Now the "Within God" within you, and Good for the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

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9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic,
like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is, only God can return
to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God,
not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false
story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End,
not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a
little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so
You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be
emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the
Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of Light
can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start.  And to do this, you must be
truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and with your parent's false
story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God,
that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the
Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference
which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness".  So First Everything currently
in your cup must be emptied, by God within you, and Then God will fill your cup
again, that is, when you are truly done with it, with what is Now in your cup, that is,
when you truly understand it, for what it is, and have rejected it from you, having seen
and understood its falsehood, having seen and understood its worthlessness, for in

          "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood, for that is the reason it is there
          in the first place, for understanding to occur". Amen. Ok.

And you have yet to do that, or truly even Start to do that, in partnership with God,
both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, but you still can, you still
can Start to do this, if you like, for the Choice is always yours, not God's, that is, the
Choice to join in partnership with God within you, both within you and for a little while
on the "outside" of you, to do this, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, if you like.
That is, you can Start to do this in your life, if you like, but the First Step in this
direction, of Ending you as "separate from", and beginning You as "One with", must
come from you, that is, to truly let you End on the "outside" of you, and to truly let
God Begin within you. Amen. Ok?

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10.  What Part of You Is Already God? - And What Part Of You Is Not God, Is Not Already God?  Well that part of you that is "Within God" within you, and Everything that "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, is already God within you.  And that part of you that is "outside" of God within you, and "outside" of what "God is doing" within you, all of which has been discarded by God within you, is Not God within you  It is just this simple.  The problem is that in your ignorance and Now in your arrogance about your ignorance you are no longer seeing and you are no longer experiencing God within you as Part of your life, and what is "Within God" within you
as Part of your life
, and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, as Part of your life, all of which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  The problem is that all that you are currently seeing and experiencing as your whole life is what has been discarded from God within you, which first is satan and his followers, and then is Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), after they are seduced by satan and his followers, that is, when they "Forgot God and fell into many a trap", all of which have Now become the lives of darkness and evil that have grow within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, when you as a child of 2 to 3 years, as a Child of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), then also "Forgot God and fell into many a trap".  And Now this is all that you are currently seeing or experiencing in your life, the "outside" of you, not as it really is, as the "very real but false" inside of you, but as you living a life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  That is, what you are Now seeing and experiencing as your whole life, is the "outside" of God, all of which in truth is happening within one tiny cell of God, that is, in one tiny cell of God, which in truth is the smallest part of all that is God, and which in truth is also the "smallest part of all that is you", for in truth "You and God are One".  And all of which is Now seen and experience as your life on the "outside of you is in truth but a reflection of this one tiny cell of darkness and evil within you, that is, reflected into your mind or heart like a TV screen as "your presence", as "separate from" God's Presence", as "your intention" as "separate from" God's Intention, and as "your story" as "separate from" God's Story.  While all that is within God within you, which in truth is all of God except for this tiny cell on the "outside" of God, is just waiting to be reflected into your mind or heart as "God's Presence" as "One with" you, as "God's Intention" as "One with" you, and as "God's Story" as "One with" you, if you like, all of which in truth is the State of God known as the Qutbiyyat of God, within God within you, as the "School of Contrast", within God within you, which is where God sent your soul, to learn about who "It Already Is", by first learning about what is "separating you" from God, if you like.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, the Choice to except God, and all that is "Within God", and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God", as "Who you are", and like God before you, to discard this one tiny cell of satan and his followers, as the "outside" of you, and in this way, become the State of the Qutbiyyat of God.  That is, if you will only find and accept the Qutbiyyat of God for your age and for you life, as such, that is, on the "outside" of you, and take refuge within Him, and in this way, and only in this way, become Him, and Now for your age and for your life, on the "outside" of you, that is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen. Ok? .  It is truly just this simple.  The problem is that you have let happen within you what God let happen within God within you, but you have yet to do what God then did after that, which is to "Tell and Bring To Completion His Story", all of which is Now God within you.  That is, you have let one of the Creation of God, who was the leader of the fire lives within you come to a state of arrogance within you and destroy you, that is, destroy you as the Child of God, as the "Child of Light", and instead turn you into the "child of satan", into the "child of darkness", for as "We taught you while "We" were living in the world, and as Now recorded for you as the opening paragraph in the "Forward" ( to the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (, the following,

          "Man appearing on this earth Forgets God and falls into many a trap.  He does
          not know to "Seek Himself within Himself", although God exists within Man.  This
          "Guru Mani" or "Pearl of Wisdom" is provided to explain this Concept in detail."

That is, to explain the Concept of Tawhid or the Affirmation of the Unity or Oneness of God in detail, if you like, that is, in truth "You and God are One", for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to "Seek Yourself within Yourself" or not, or at least to truly Start to do this, before you die to the flesh, that is, before the "Devil has his way with you" for eternity, the Choice to join in partnership with God within you to let God do it again, that is, to "Become God Again", but this time within you, that is, to Again Affirm the Truth of you, and the Truth of God within you, that in truth "You Are One".  Amen. Ok?  And in this way, you have yet to do within you what God did within Him after satan spit on Adam (peace be upon Him) within God within you, and then led Adam (peace be upon Him) astray after being banished from "God's Presence", dragging Adam (peace be upon Him) to the deepest hells, which Now the state of you and My Children, and what God did Next which you have yet to do, which is to return Adam (peace be upon Him) to His Original State within Him, and then Use Adam (peace be upon Him) within Him to finish telling and bringing to Completion God's Story within Him, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God.  And you have yet to do this within you, even though God has already done this within you, which is How God became God within you, because you do not yet understand You, that is, you do not yet understand either God within you, or what is "Within God" within you, or what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, all of which in truth is You, what is "Within you", and what in truth "You are doing" with what is "Within you", for in truth "You and God" are One, like the apple seed and the apple tree and the fruits of that apple tree are all One.  Nor do you understand the Creation of God or the Creation of Adam (peace be upon Him) within God within you, that God Created in order to tell and bring to Complete His Story within Him, for the benefit of His Creation within Him, nor do you understand the fall of satan and his followers as Creations of God within Him, and the subsequent fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) as the Children of God within Him, nor do you understand the return of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) from their fall from the "Presence of God", back to the "Presence of God" within Him, and then Adam's (peace be upon Him) return from His fall from God's Grace, from the "Oneness of God", back to God's Grace, back to the "Oneness of God".  All of which in truth is "Your Story", and "your fall", and "Your Recovery", if you like, all of which in truth is "Your Oneness", if you like, for the Choice is Now yours, not God's, as before the Choice was God's, not God within Him, and God correctly made His Choice, using God within Him to Now become God within you, so Now the Choice is yours, that is, to become God within the Creation of God within you, and to become God within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, that is, within the Light of God within you, and God within Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within you, that is, within the "Presence of God" within you, or not, by Getting God to Do It Again, but this time within you.  Amen. Ok?  And this is why you were born, to understand all of this, or at least to truly Start to understand this, in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and has "his way with you", all of which in truth is to "Understand You", and to Understand God within You, who in truth "Are One", which in truth is the "Same Understanding".  And this is why you were born, to do this, that is, to get God within you to do it again, that is, to finish telling and bringing to Completion His Story, but this time within you, for in truth this is "Who you are", and this is "Who God Is", for in truth "You and God Are One", and as such, you in your current state, that is, as in truth the "Seed of God" buried within the Earth or Creation of God within God within you, are "God happening" within the Creation of God, as in truth God as the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Earth or Creation of God, is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God, and as such "You and God Are One".  This is why you were born, to join in partnership with God within you, to let God do it Again, but this time within you, not to do any of the silly things that you are currently doing on the illusory "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, like raising a family, or searching for God, or holding meetings and taking about God, or publishing books, or praying as a Muslim separate from those who are praying as a Jew, or as a Christian, or as Hindu, or as a Zoroastrian, all of which are "Prayers of Separation" which God cannot accept.  So please Stop all of this silliness on the "outside" of you, while you still can, and instead "Find and Understand a True Human Being among the Creation of God", for only in this way will you find the True Man and God within yourself and perform True Meditation.  You have to understand the cage of your body, for in truth "Outer Acts are Not Real".  You have to "Find the place within to perform true meditation".  For as "We" taught you while "We" were living in the world, and as Now recorded for you starting on page 5 in the "Introduction" to the beautiful book of wisdom, "Shaikh and Disciple", the following:

[Note:  To read an on-line version of the complete "Introduction" to "Shaikh and Disciple", please click HERE ( Once there, go to "Table of Contents" and click on "Introduction".  For other "Wisdom Study Material" by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and Now by His Children, by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us), please click on the following:
On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
( Thank you. Enjoy.
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen

Beginning of Quotation
From: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Source: The "Introduction" to the Book, "Shaikh and Disciple",

"Then I came to the city and studied the animals there. I discovered that human animals were behaving just like other creatures. Whatever qualities these other being had, man also had.

What the monkey had, man had. What the venomous snake had, man had. The human animal was not a wonder. He did not have anything different from the animals.
At this point I realized that the most difficult task in life is to find a true man among the created beings.

To find a true human being and to understand him is very difficult indeed. Only after realizing the true man and God within myself could I perform true meditation. I had to understand the cage of this body.

Outer acts are not real. I had to find the place within to perform true meditation.
At this point I was told,

          "There is a house that was built and given to you. That house is your body."

I said.

          "But this body is only eight spans. How can I live here?"

Then He told me,

          "Even an ant's body is eight spans of its own hand. The body is a school.

          It is your house, your heaven, your hell, and my Kingdom. Your freedom is
          there, yet your slavery is also there. Both your joys and your sorrows are there".

          "Man-animal and Man-God are both there".

          "All this learning is within this eight-span house of your body. If you become an
          insan, a true man, you will understand this. You are My Secret. I am a

According to His words, I started to learn about the cage of my body. Within this eight-span body, I set out to discover what should be discarded and what should be taken in.

I was told,

          "Within this eight-span house, half a span is your sorrow, half a span is your
          torpor, and one span is the fire of hell. If you can understand and discard these
          two spans, then you are left with six."

          "Once you have understood all that is within the remaining six spans of your
          body, you can become a man with six levels of wisdom, capable of analyzing
          and discovering the secrets of the eighteen thousand universes."

          "Then you will understand that one handful of earth which is your heart. If you do
          not reach this understanding, you could become a worm in hell with only one
          level of wisdom, or you could become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, or a demon. You
          could become a ruhani, an elemental spirit."

          "However, if you understand yourself, then you can become a true human being.
          You can become My messenger, you can become My light, you can merge with
          Me and we can live together."

These were His words.

We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong.

Children, you must have purity of heart to learn from the purity of the father. The secret of God, our Father who is purity, must be learned with pure love, pure faith, pure compassion, pure unity, and a pure life.

This is the only way we can learn and understand that purity, that meditation, that prayer, and that learning.

If each one of you establishes and understands this state within, then the connection between you and your Father can easily be established.

You can conduct your lives with ease and understand all you need to know. You can understand the life in which wisdom, good deeds, our Father, and the Children live together.

When love, wisdom, and unity are all together, that is the heaven of gnanam. The Children of the pure Father will live in the paradise of gnanam. That is firdaus, our Father's pure kingdom. We will be given the radiant kingdom of our Father as our prize.

You must understand this pure place. When you can establish this within yourself and demonstrate proof of its existence, then your Father's kingdom of wisdom, love, compassion, peace, and iman becomes yours.

These are some of the things I have learned through experience. My love you. Think about this. May Allah help you. Amin."

End of Quotation
From: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Source: The "Introduction" to the Book, "Shaikh and Disciple",

So This is why you were born, to discover what is hidden within this body, that is,

          "We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn
          from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure
          heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong".

So please Stop all of your current craziness, all of your current silliness on the "outside" of you, for in truth all of your "Busy Work" on the "outside" of you is just selfishness, and is just wasting your time here.  So Stop working for wages to get into some illusory New Outside of you after you die to the current "outside" of you, all of which will only bring you sadness in the End, and instead, truly Start to join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to let God do it Again, that is to "Become God" Again, but this time within you, that is, to let God reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, but this time within you, because in truth "You and God Are One".  For in truth your father entering your mother as a man, coming out as a child, all of which is praised in the world as the "gift of life", is in truth the "spit of satan" Again, weakening Adam (peace be upon Him) Again, this time within you, that is, Again moving Adam (peace be upon Him) from the State of Grace or the "Oneness of God", to the State of Wisdom or the "Presence" of God.  And in truth you starting to truly live in the world, as a "little person", all of which is also praised in the world as the "gift of growing up", is in truth the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) Again, but this time as you, that is, Again moving Adam, Now as Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) from the State of Wisdom or the "Presence of God", and the "Intention of God", and the "Story of God", and the "Duty of God", and the "History of God" within you, to the "state of ignorance" or "your presence" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" God's Presence" within you, and to "your intention" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Intention of God" within you, and to "your story" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Story of God" within you, and to "your duty" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Duty of God" within you, and to "your history" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "History of God" within you, and this is Now the truth of your life. Amen. Ok?  That is, until God intervenes in your life, which God will only do if you ask Him to, that is, to intervene in your life, all of which God will most gladly do, if you will only ask Him, for if you truly take 1 step toward God, He will take 10 steps toward you, but you must make the first step. Amen. Ok?

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11.  A Better Understanding of Adam (A.S.) - that is, as the "School of Contrast"
within God within you, as the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you answering His
Question of God, that is, of the Nur of God, the Question, "Who am I?", and within
that, as the "School of Light" within God within you, as the Nur of God answering His
Question of God, the Question, "Who am I?" , so God can Then Answer His Question, that God asked of God in Anathi, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding, that is, before the beginningless beginning, before Aathi, before the time of Light, the Quesiton, "Who am I?.  Amen. Ok?
12.  A Better Understanding of "The Here" & "The Hereafter" - as the Qutbiyyat of God, as the "School of Contrast" within God within you, and as the Nur, as the "School of Light" within True Man within God within you
13.  And What's Next? - if you like, and this is something you and My Children
must Start to be clear about, because Everything Before is all leading Up To You, You Are The Point of the Whole Thing, of the One Thing, of the God Thing, not anything else, not anything leading up to Now. So only Now can it be done Right,
only Now can it Finish
, such is the importance of you and your age and your life, of all life Now living in this age, and this is why Everything of God has been pleading with God, from the Beginning to be allowed to be in the world Now, at this time, for Now is the Time, Now is when It All Finishes, Now is when it All Makes Sense, if you like, for Still the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to Let God Finish What God Is Doing, Again, but this time within you, so this time In The End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so this time in the End, there is nothing still "Separating God" from God within you

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                                                                      - go to "Introduction"
14.  Understanding Your Work - which is "you leaving", again, and again, and again, in more and more subtle ways, So God can "Come Forward", Again and Again and Again, in more and more subtle ways, as is appropriate for each Stage in God's Story, first as the "True Disciple" within "your presence", then as the Guru in "God's Presence", then as The Light of Wisdom in True Prayer, then as the "Hereafter" Here and Now with the "Light of Heaven", then as God and True Man within God, then as God as the "Power within the Essence of Everything" and Again Everything, that is, Everything just waiting to happen Again, if You like.  Amen. Ok?
15.  Closing Greeting - heart to heart, if you like

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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 128
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Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 128
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 2 of the E-mail Version of a beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 128", to My dearest loving brother Muhamamd Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) and My dearest loving sister Habiba (Angela), may God be pleased with Them. Amen.

Bawa.  Who in truth, like each of My Children, is My dearest loving Son and
Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Him, and with Us), if you like, that is, if you look through the eyes of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which are the 99 wilayats or powers of God within you, that is, are the 99 beautiful names of God in the Asma'el Husna within you which in truth are the windows of your heart, if you like, through which everything in the 18,000 Universes within you can be seen, and understood, again, if you like, for in truth the Choice is yours, not God's. That is, the Choice whether any of "This Reality of You" happens within you, or not. Amen.. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, a beautiful Spiritual Letter from God within My Children, to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your
true intention
for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and
Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

"Who You Already Are",
And "Where You Already Are",
And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
While You Still Can,
Before This Kind of Understanding
Is No Longer Available To You,
Because You Have Become
What God Has Discarded From Himself,
In Order To Become God Within You"

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
Expanded Title
of Spiritual Letter 128
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 128"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join As "One With" Us On The "Outside" of You
To Become "One With" Us Within You,
In Order To Truly Become "One With" God Within You,
In Order To
Truly Understand
"Who You Already Are",
And "Where You Already Are",
And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
While You Still Can,
Before This Kind of Understanding
Is No Longer Available To You,
Because You Have Become
What God Has Discarded From Himself,
In Order To Become God Within You.
That Is,
To Truly Understand
"What Can Truly Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Came Here From God Within You,
And To Truly Understand
"What Cannot Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Grew Here,
As The Lives of Darkness and Evil Within You,
And Really Has No Interest In Returning To God Within You,
No Matter What It Might Tell You To The Contrary.
And To Truly Understand This Choice,
And What Will Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which In Truth Is Only God Within You,
And For A Little While God On The "Outside" of You,
And What Won't Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which Is Everything Else,
No Matter How It Is Currently Decorated
On the Illusory "Outside" of You,
And No Matter How it Currently Speaks To You
As Your Thoughts Disguised As Wisdom.
And Start To Understand Everything
From God's Perspective
As "One with" Everyone and Everything,
As God Witnessing God Tell And Bring To Completion
His Story Within Him
For the Benefit of all of the Creation of God Within Him,
And For a Little While On the "Outside" of You
For The Benefit of Your Brothers and Sisters,
As This Child Has Now Learned To Do.
And Stop All of Your Current Activity
Of Trying To Understand Everything
From Your Prospective
As "Separate From" Everyone and Everything,
As "Your Story" On the "Outside" of You,
For Your Benefit,
Not For The Benefit of Anyone Or Anything Else
Amen. Ok?"

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Chats"
                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 128

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Letters"
Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 422 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 421 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 420 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 419 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 414 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 412 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 409 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 404 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 362 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 360 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 358 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 349 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 347 - E-mail Version

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
                                                                      - go to "Related Spiritual Chats"
                                                                      - go to "E-mail Version"
Related Spiritual Letters: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Letter 127 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 126 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 125 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 124 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 123 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Letter 122 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 121 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 120 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 119 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
                                                                      - go to "Without Outline"
E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 128 (With Outline) and (for Page 1 Only)
                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

Bawa. You are a very good Son and a very good Daughter of your Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) within you, and of God within Him), and now on the "outside" of you of His Children, that is, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who in truth have Now become Him on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God. 

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 02"
Expanded Overview of Topic 02:

Bawa.  That is, at the level of the Qutbiyyat of God which in truth is the First of God's
Schools within God within you, the School which your soul is Now attending, if you
like, if you will let it, which is the "School of Contrast" within God within you, where
your soul can take refuge within your Guru, take refuge from you, from you living in the
world as the Enemy of the soul, as the life of the "Shirt", that is, of the 7 Robes, of the
Dream, of the Drama of "I and you" and of "mine and yours", that is take refuge from
the life of your mind and body that you are Now falsely experiencing as "Who you are",
and as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life, but all of which is
"Just Not True".

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you, is the
"School of Contrast" within God within you were you can learn about what is
"separating you" from God, if you like, and then at the Next Level within God within
you, at the level of the Nur or light of God within God within you, which in truth is the
Second of God's Schools within God within you, which is the "School of Light", were
God will teach God about God within you.

Bawa.  That is, when your soul has joined with the Qutbiyyat of God within God within
you to find and become "One with" the Nur or Light of wisdom within God within you,
allowing the soul to Realize God, allowing the soul to take on the Qualities and
Actions of God within God within you, if you like, that is, if you join in partnership with
God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to let Everything
that is Now separating your soul from God within you End, or at least Start to End,
before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My

Bawa.  Before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", and claims you as "his
property", dragging you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, before "The
Beast" within you is destroyed by your wisdom, which is Now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you and for a little while onthe "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 02"
Text of Topic 02:

Bawa.  Thank you for the following beautiful question that you asked of "Us" in "Our" last Spiritual Chat (see Spiritual Chat 433 and 434) the other night,

"May we speak of how the light of the Noor Muhammad is manifest in the life of one who has completely surrendered to the truth of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of himself and becomes one with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "inside" of himself so that the two who have now become one can begin that search for the Noor Muhammad on the "inside". That Noor Muhammad which will bring the sound to the soul, enabling the soul to commune directly with God, to speak only His words and to take its nourishment directly from Him alone"

Bawa. And thank you also for the beautiful answer that you provided to this question, as follows:

          "When the disciple has completely surrendered to Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.
          on the "outside" of him and thus enabled the soul to join as "one with" Shaikh
          Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "inside" of him then this will be the state of the
          disciple having surrendered to the Shaikh. With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
          now having become the True Shaikh (who we now know as Muhammad Rahim
          Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and the True Shaikh now having become God, thus
          allowing God to become the True Disciple, all within God within us".

          "Now the soul and the True Shaikh (the Qutb) having joined as one go in search
          of and become one with the Noor Muhammad becoming the Triple Flame of Ruh,
          Wisdom and the Noor joining as one within the Alif, Lam and Meem which are the
          manifestations of the Ruh, Wisdom and the Noor within the "Secret from of the
          Truth of Allah".

Bawa. When "We" hand what was shared to God within this child the following clarity comes into the heart of this child, if you like.

Bawa. Your answer shows that you are still trying to understand this question from the perspective of yourself, still as "separate from" God, that is, from the perspective of the mind and desire, from the perspective of "your presence" as "separate from" God within you, and from what is "Within God" within you, and from what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is God revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this Child is Now doing.

Bawa.  For in truth, from the perspective of this child, living as the Feet of God for your age and for your life, it all reads and sounds like "your story", that is, like just another chapter in "your story", a story that is completing "your intention", not from the perspective of wisdom, not from the perspective of sitting in "God's Presence" and experiencing "God's Intention" and witnessing "God's Story", having fallen into the Fire of God, as this child has Now done.  That is the difference. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  This is the problem with your effort, My dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with You, and with Us), it is all about you, and what you have to understand, and what you have to do, both here and later. But it doesn't work that way.

Bawa.  For example last night you were told that you are not doing it right, and that nothing that you were currently doing is of any value to you, or to anybody else. But you must still think that you are doing it right because instead of asking tonight "How to do it right", for example, how to "Pass through the door", you want to know,

          "How the light of the Noor Muhammad is manifest in the life of one who has
          completely surrendered to the truth of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the
          "outside" of himself and become one with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the
          "inside" of himself so that the two who have now become one can begin that
          search for the Noor Muhammad on the "inside".

Bawa. And who within you would ask such a question, only the mind and desire, for wisdom would just sit patiently waiting for God to speak, always making itself available to God, but with no agenda, with no questions, because from the perspective of wisdom, everything is always perfect. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. But if that is what you wish to continue doing with the "Time God has given Us", what can "We" do but go along with it, hoping that you will realize the flaw in this approach, before your time and the time of My Children runs out, that is, if you wish to  continue living behind your mind and desire, instead of learning How To "Walk through the door" and truly End within you as something New truly Begins within God within you, that is, so the Child of Light comes forward from within God within you, as Now the life living within you, as the Child of Darkness within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, leaves you forever, Ending your current life within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you, and transform your wisdom which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 03"
Expanded Overview of Topic 03:

Bawa.  And in this way, in your current state your soul is animating "the story" written by your parents as they rolled around on a bed like snakes, "a story" that God then took from your parents, printed, put a cover or Shirt on it, animated with the soul, and then handed to you, "a story" that you are Now living out in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, secretly as the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, and a ghost, that is, secretly as the three sections Now below your head, and the 7 sparks that is your head, that is, below your waist as false creation, your stomach as false destruction, and your chest as false life, and for a little while as "you" living a life of "separation and differences" roaming the illusory earth world on the "outside" of you which in truth is all that you currently see and know, but which in truth is the "least of you", like the tip of an iceberg.

Bawa.  At least until you die to the flesh, that is, until you die to the "outside" of you, and you get the current inside of you, all of which is Now hidden from you, but this time for eternity, this time with hell becoming you eternal lot. 

Bawa.  Because the current inside of you is not of God within you, or of what is truly "Within God" within you, or of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.

Bawa.  But rather the current inside of you are the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, not God within you, for in truth God is just waiting in the wings within you, just waiting for you to turn back to Him, and to claim Him as "Your Property", so He can then do the same, and grow His wealth within you, and in the End harvest you and claim you as "His Property", making "Your Oneness" with God within you and your understanding of "Your Oneness" your eternal lot.

Bawa.  That is, before you die to the flesh, before you permanently lose the "outside" of you, for you to claim God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, and what God is Now doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, as Now your wealth, that is, as Now your birthright, as Now your true heritage, as Now the destiny of your soul, instead of what you are Now currently doing, claiming all that God has discarded within you, that you Now only see as existing on the "outside" of you, as your wealth, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is in truth the fires of hell, and the attachments of all creations, that are just waiting

Bawa.  For if you don't truly awaken to the "Reality and Falsehood" within you, and join in partnership with God within you, to make this transition in your life, from "you" as "separate from" God, to You as "One with" God, in your own life time, or at least truly join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to Start to make this transition, before you die to the flesh, then hell will most certainly become your lot, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God becomes your eternal reward.

Bawa.  That is, if you are not wise, if you do not wise up before your End, that is, if you don't join with God within you to awaken from your dream, liberate your soul, and find and merge with God as His Triple Flame, returning to God the "Most Precious Treasure" which He lovingly and personally gave to you and My Children, which is your soul, and your wisdom, which in truth is How God tells and brings to Completion His Story using His Light, that is, tells and brings to Completion "God's Story" of "Your Oneness", which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man', wearing "God's Shirt" which is the "Shirt of light".

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, returning to the 5 elements the Shirt that God gave you, as the temporary cover for your parent's flawed story, allowing God to transform their "flawed story" into "God's Perfect Story", but a Shirt of the 5 ruhanies
that you are still wearing, and refuse to take off, and "a flawed story" that you are still trying to tell and complete, to your peril, and that is for sure, no matter what.

Bawa.  That is, no matter what God shows and tells you to the Contrary, that in truth "You and God are One", like all of the beautiful words of wisdom and truth and beauty contained in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, in Spiritual Letter 128, that you are Now reading, and in the all of the 127 previous "Spiritual Letters" (www.SpiritualLetters. that "We" have sent to you, and that are Now all available on-line, along with a wealth of other "Heart's Work" in the on-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (, if you like, all coming to you and My Children from the heart of "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen

Bawa.  "A shirt" of darkness and "a story" of falsehood and illusion which is Now hiding your current state from you, which is the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, your current state which is preventing you from realizing your True State within God within you, which is Truth and Light, but "a shirt" of darkness you can still join with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to take off, and "a story" of falsehood that you can still join with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to correct, if you like.

Bawa.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of how you will spend eternity, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, for in truth there are only Two Choice, that is, "God or hell", not Three Choice, not "God, heaven, or hell", as you and My Children still mistakenly believe, again to your peril. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 03"
Text of Topic 03:

Bawa. So, The answer to your question is as follows, as beautifully explained by Bawa while He was living in the world, an answer which "We" will then expand for you in the rest of this Spiritual Letter, a letter from God within "Us" all to God within "Us" all, if you like, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while for the benefit of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

Spiritual Discourse 07
By: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him)
On-line Link:

"If you wish to reach God you need a teacher, a true Gnana Guru, a Qutb with the qualities of God; you will find all the attributes of God in this teacher.  When you take refuge in such a Guru you will see God.  You become the Guru, disappearing in Him while the Guru (becomes God), disappearing in God, (while God becomes the True Disciple disappearing Him).  Three flames become One God.  God is a flame, the Guru is a flame, the Disciple is a flame.  As the two disappear in One, this is the Triple Flame.  Children, please understand this Extraordinary Process".

Original By: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Expanded Part By: (in brackets) Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)

Sources (of original):

1) The Book: "The Tree That Fell to the West: Autobiography of a Sufi", by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)..
2) The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for November 2006

[Note: you can read an on-line version of this discourse by clicking on the following: "Spiritual Discourse 07", (, as part of the on-line "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library" ( Thank you.
Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are Now the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 04"
Expanded Overview of Topic 04:

Bawa. That is, First the World within the World, which is your current state, that is, the World within you as the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, selfishly coming together as One to create a temporary co-operative store for their profit, not your profit, which is the World on the "outside" of you, as the "Flower of hell" within you, with "you" living a life of selfishness, of sin, of "separation from" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which in truth is within you, thinking in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that you have 1 face, when in truth you have 6 faces, you have 6 separate consciousness' making up your life, not just 1 as you and My Children Now mistakenly believe, to your peril.

Bawa.  That is, as the 5 impure lives who are always speaking, and as the 6th life which is the pure life or soul life hidden within you, which is always silent, which is the inner meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), not on the "outside" of you, but within you, in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) dying, not for your sins, but rather, "So You Can Sin", so you can live a life of sin on the illusory "outside" of you, a life of "separation and differences", as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  And in this way, your soul is what God uses to animate, to give life to the Shirt, to the 5 element lives temporarily joined as one within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you to "your parent's story", that is, to the illusory story of "I and you", of "mine and yours" on the illusory "outside" of you, that you keep trying to tell and bring to completion on the "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance.  And if you will let Him, God is just waiting to animate His Story within you with you soul, that is, once you "Stop fighting with your Guru, with your Shaikh for your soul".

Bawa.  And your wisdom, who as the guardian for your soul, as the wisdom surrounding your soul, is what is truly experiencing that story, not you, not the 5 ruhanies, and not the soul, experiencing that false story written by "your parents", experiencing it as His Dream, as the Dream of the Qutbiyyat of God, as the Dream of your sleeping wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat of God just waiting within God within you for the Dream to End, just waiting for you to be done with the dream, and to invite Him into your life, just waiting for you to be done with your current life on the illusory "outside" of you, so your awakened wisdom can Start to do battle with the "Enemy of your soul", so Your Life can "Change Shirts" and "Change Stories", so you can put down the "shirt of darkness" and pick up the "Shirt of Light".

Bawa.  So you can put down the "false story" and pick up the "True Story" which is the "Story of God", the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, that you have come to this earth world, to join as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to tell, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to "Change Shirts" or not, and to "Change Stories" or not.  Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  That is, for your awakened wisdom, which in truth is Now the Guru within you, and for a little while is Now the Guru on the "outside" of you, to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul", which are the 5 ruhanies within you, and is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, and as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, in order to liberate the soul, to liberate Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you from His Cross within you, from the Shirt of the 5 elements, from the "false story" of your parent's, from the 5 ruhanies who are always roaming the earth world within you, from "you" on the illusory "outside" of you, living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". 

Bawa.  Please know this Now without the slightest doubt, and join with God, both within you an for a little while on the "outside" of you to awaken your wisdom, allowing our wisdom to liberate your soul, and as "One" with you liberated soul, in the form of Al-hamd, as the "Secret Form of the Truth of Allah", opening up the Next World within you, the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and then to find and merge with the Nur, with the Body of the soul, and realize Allah, and in this way, opening the Final World within you, the World of God within God, while you still can. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 04"
Text of Topic 04:

Bawa. So what is your current state?  You and My Children are the "outside" of the
Guru, while God is the "inside" of the Guru, and this is why there is always a Guru in
the world, or you could not exist in the world. In this way, the Guru is what keeps you
protected from the light or Power of God while you are still in your current state of
darkness, for if He would not be there, protecting you from God, that is, between you
and God, the light of God would burn you up, would destroy you.

Bawa.  Think of the Guru as the insulation around an electrical wire. If you would try to
grab hold of the electrical wire without insulation, like you and My Children are Now
trying to grab hold of God, you would be hurt, and possibly even die, but as long as
you only hold the wire through the insulation, you are protected from that electrical
power, and as long as the Guru is there you are protected from the power of God.  And
once you truly join in partnership with God within you, and give up all of your darkness
and move into the light of the Guru, then you can touch the light of God directly, but
Then you have become the Guru, you have become the insulation between the Guru's
Children and God, then the God of the Guru has Now become Your God, and the
Children of the Guru have Now become Your Children, and in a most subtle way, God
has Now appeared within each of His Children as the True Disciple that is within God,
allowing this "Extraordinary Process" to occur Again, but this time within you.

Bawa. In this way, if you like, the Guru becomes God within you, disappearing into
God within the Light of the Nur within the Guru, the 7th level of wisdom, as you take
refuge in the Guru and "See God", that is, as you become the Guru, disappearing in
the Guru, disappearing within the Light of the Qutbiyyat of God, the 6th level of
wisdom, seeing God within you as the Light of wisdom within you, allowing God within
the Guru, as the Light of the Nur, to become the True Disciple within God within you,
with God within the Guru disappearing in the True Disciple within God, that is, with
God "Letting the Silent One Appear as Grace" within the Guru, who is Now you.
Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  In this way, Three Flames become One God, which then Again becomes the
Triple Flame of God, Again as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time
within you, no longer within the Guru, because Now the Guru has become God within
you, within the Guru which is Now you, because Now the Guru has become One of the
Three Flames that is Now you, and in this way, the Guru has lost both the "outside" of
Himself, and the "inside" of Himself to you, becoming God within the Guru with you,
which is Now you, and for a little while becoming God on the "outside" of you, if you

Bawa.  For the Choice is yours, not God's Choice, and not the Guru's Choice, that is,
the Choice to "Let This Happen", both within you and for a little while on the "outside"
of you, or not, that is, to let "you" as the shadow End, to let "you" as the shirt or 7
robes End, to let "you" as what is being insulated from the light of God by the light of
the Qutbiyyat of God End, to let "you" as the 5 ruhanies joined together as a
co-operative store for profit End, to let "you" as the lives of darkness and evil, as satan
and the companions of satan within you End, to let "you" living a life of "separation and
differences" on the illusory "outside" of you End, to let "you" living as if you are
"separate from" God within you End, to let "you" living as if you are "separate from"
your brothers and sisters End, and to let "you" living as if you are "separate from" the
Creation of God within God within you End. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.   And Then, if you truly do this in your lifetime, that is, if you truly join in
partnership with God within you, by first joining in partnership with God on the
"outside" of you to do this, Then all that the Guru was, is Now who you are, and Then
all that God was, is Now who the Guru Is, and Then all that you were, is Now who God
is, and as such, "You are all One", that is, "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" are
Again all One, but this time within you, One within the Other as One, One revealing the
Other, while disappearing in the One being revealed, only to appear again in the Next
Cycle, in the Next Cycle of God-Man/Man-God.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 05"
Expanded Overview of Topic 05:

Bawa.  That is, through this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you, which in truth is within your soul, within your soul which in truth is "Of God" within you, which in truth is the "Seed of God" buried within this earth world within you, just waiting to germinate, to germinate to the truth of you and to the truth of God hidden within you, that is, to the truth that you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, that you are "God's Happening" within God within you, and to germinate to the truth of God hidden within the truth of you, to the truth that God is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" and as such, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such "You and God Are One"

Bawa. And this is God's Story within God's Shirt, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, just waiting to germinate within you, just waiting for you to let God tell and bring to Completion His Story within His Shirt, Again, but this time within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God, that is, the Choice to let God use your life to tell and bring to Completion what God started within you and My Children a very, very long time ago, which is for God to reveal God to God, for the benefit of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 05"
Text of Topic 05:

Bawa.  All of which is on the "outside" of you, as an Example of this "Extraordinary Process" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits", starting with an apple seed buried within the earth, awakening to the truth of itself, and to the truth of God within it, and to the truth of the earth it is buried within, and the apple tree hidden within it, and the apple fruits hidden within the apple tree, and the sweet taste hidden within the apples, and again the apple seed hidden within the sweet taste of the apple, but this time a 1000 fold.

Bawa.  That is, awakening to the truth that They are all One, that is, the earth, the apple seed, the apple tree, the apples, the sweet taste of the apple, and again the apple seed, are all One, One within the Other as One, One revealing the Other, while disappearing within the One being revealed, only to appear again in the Next Cycle, in the Next Cycle of the AppleTree-Apple/Apple-AppleTree. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And if you let Your Guru on the "outside" of you make this Transition within you, from Guru within you to God within the Guru within you, by you making the Transition on the "outside" of you, from My Children to Guru, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, then God within the Guru will do "Everything Necessary" to make your life truly successful in your lifetime, by making the Transition from God within the Guru within you to True Disciple within God within the Guru within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to both the True Disciple and the Guru on the "outside" of you, and that is for sure. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. With you on the "outside" of you Stepping Back on the "outside" of you, making the Guru on the "outside" of you your only "outside" of you, letting Everything Else on the "outside" of you End, as the shadow of you, as the shirt of you, as the dream of you, as the lives of darkness and evil of you, so the True Disciple can Step Forward within the Guru within you, to learn what it came here to learn, by studying within you as His School, by praying on you as His Prayer Mat, by growing God's Crop and God's Harvest on you as His Earth on His Farm, by understanding His Drama on you as His Stage, for then and only then, will your life truly become successful in your lifetime, as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And if you do this, day in and day out, moment by moment, at the feet of Your Guru on the "outside" of you, until the last day of your life, giving up all of your doing it alone, without Your Guru on the "outside" of you, giving up all of your thinking that your thoughts are your guru, that you thoughts are your wisdom, giving all of this up completely, no matter how exalted you have made them out to be, that is, your thoughts, your intentions, and your actions, all of which is just a dream, all of which is "Just Not True", then and only then will you truly take refuge in the Guru and "See God" within Him within you, then and only then will you become the Guru, disappearing within the Guru, as the Guru becomes God, disappearing within God, as God becomes the True Disciple, disappearing within the True Disciple.

Bawa.  First on the "outside" of you and then within you, for then and only them will God alone become the inside of you, for then and only them will your "outside" truly become only the Children of the Guru, who in truth is everyone living in your age, all of whom then become Your Children, all of whom Then become, for you, My Children, and within each of them within you, that is, within God within you, is Now Again the True Disciple who God within you is raising, raising that True Disciple in truth, First as the "Guru happening" within God within you, then as "God happening" within the "Guru happening" within God within you, and then as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the "Guru happening" within God within you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that would be good.  Good for you, Good for "Us", and Good for the Creation of God, and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  Such is this "Extraordinary Process" of God just waiting to occur within you, if you like, that is, if you will only give up all of your current craziness, all of your current silliness, all of the work and learning and effort of the shirt, of the shadow, of the drama, all of which is only leading you to hell, that is, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up before it is too late, and let God finish what God has already started within you, a very, very long time ago, even before you came to this earth world, which is for God to reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, you must truly learn from Your Guru on the "outside" of you to do this within you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and destroys the "outside" of you for all of My Children, all of which is most certainly going to happen in your lifetime, then your life will truly become successful in your lifetime, for this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age and for your life.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

Bawa.  For then, This Is The True Exaltedness of Your Life, that is, You as the Guru on the "outside" of Your Children, with God and only God within you, teaching the True Disciple within God within you, who "He Already Is", which is God, and in this way, with You allowing God within you to finish telling and bringing to Completion His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", which is God revealing God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within You, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic, like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is, only God can return to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God, not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End, not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of Light can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start.  And to do this, you must be truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and with your parent's false story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God, that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness". 

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 09"
Expanded Overview of Topic 09:

Bawa.  So First Everything currently in your cup must be emptied, by God within you, and Then God will fill your cup again, that is, when you are truly done with it, with what is Now in your cup, that is, when you truly understand it, for what it is, and have rejected it from you, having seen and understood its falsehood, having seen and understood its worthlessness, for in truth,

          "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood, for that is the reason it is there
          in the first place, for understanding to occur". Amen. Ok. 

Bawa.  And you have yet to do that, or truly even Start to do that, in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, but you still can, you still can Start to do this, if you like, for the Choice is always yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to join in partnership with God within you, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to do this, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, if you like.

Bawa.  That is, you can Start to do this in your life, if you like, but the First Step in this direction, of Ending you as "separate from", and beginning You as "One with", must come from you, that is, to truly let you End on the "outside" of you, and to truly let God Begin within you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 09"
Text of Topic 09:

Bawa. Thank you again for the beautiful sharing last night, it was really beautiful.  After saying the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within "Us", and handing what was shared to God within "Us", the following additional clarity came into the heart of this child, if you like.

Bawa. Yes, this Understanding is heading in the right direction within you, that is, for you to First surrender to God on the "outside" of you in order to become "One with" God within you, so God within you can then reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.

Bawa. But the way you are thinking about it is still flawed, for it is not "you" who surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, rather it is God within you that surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, rather it is that aspect of you that is God within you but without an understanding of itself, that surrenders to God, when it comes to an Understanding of who "It Already Is", which is "Of God" within you, and "Of what is within God" within you, and "Of what God is Doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing, if you like. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  All of which in truth is "Who you are", that is, is who all of My Children are, but without an understanding of who "You Already are", and this and only this is what surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, that aspect of you that in truth is already God within you, but without this understanding, for in truth only God can surrender to God, not what God has discarded, not "you" living on the illusory "outside" of you, and not any of the "very real but false" current inside of you, that continually show you the illusory "outside" of you, as "who you are", as "where you are", and as "what is happening" in you life, that is, that you and My Children Now see in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, but all of which is "Just Not True".  Amen. Ok?

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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Spiritual Letter 128
- E-mail Version -
"With Outline"

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Spiritual Letter 128 ------------"E-mail Version" ----- About Spiritual Letter 128
Title of Spiritual Letter:                   - With Outline -          -- Go To "Expanded Title"
          "Understanding "Who You Already Are",                 -- Go To "Main Go To"
                    And "Where You Already Are",
                    And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
                    While You Still Can,
          Before This Kind of Understanding
                    Is No Longer Available To You,
                    Because You Have Become
                    What God Has Discarded From Himself,
                    In Order To Become God Within You"

Time Period Written:  May, 2007
Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like
Written toThe Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who now is everyone living in your age, if you like

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"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 128
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Page 01 - the Page you are Currently reading

1.  Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God.

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you,
and transform your wisdom
which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are Now the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?

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5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you

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6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  That would be good.  Good for you as in truth "Us" happening within you, Good for "Us" as Now the "Within God" within you, and Good for the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

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9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic,
like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is,
only God can return to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God, not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End, not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of
Light can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start. And to do this, you must be truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and done with your parent's false story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God, that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness".

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10.  What Part of You Is Already God? - And What Part Of You Is Not God, Is Not
Already God?  Well that part of you that is "Within God" within you, and Everything
that "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, is already God within you.
And that part of you that is "outside" of God within you, and "outside" of what "God is
doing" within you, all of which has been discarded by God within you, is Not God
within you  It is just this simple.  The problem is that in your ignorance and Now in
your arrogance about your ignorance you are no longer seeing and you are no longer
experiencing God within you as Part of your life, and what is "Within God" within you
as Part of your life, and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, as
Part of your life, all of which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of
all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of
you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  The problem is that all that you are
currently seeing and experiencing as your whole life is what has been discarded from
God within you, which first is satan and his followers, and then is Adam and Eve
(peace be upon Them), after they are seduced by satan and his followers, that is,
when they "Forgot God and fell into many a trap", all of which have Now become the
lives of darkness and evil that have grow within you, in your ignorance and in your
arrogance about your ignorance, when you as a child of 2 to 3 years, as a Child of
Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), then also "Forgot God and fell into many a

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11.  A Better Understanding of Adam (A.S.) - that is, as the "School of Contrast"
within God within you, as the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you answering His
Question of God, that is, of the Nur of God, the Question, "Who am I?", and within
that, as the "School of Light" within God within you, as the Nur of God answering His
Question of God, the Question, "Who am I?" , so God can Then Answer His Question, that God asked of God in Anathi, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding, that is, before the beginningless beginning, before Aathi, before the time of Light, the Quesiton, "Who am I?.  Amen. Ok?
12.  A Better Understanding of "The Here" & "The Hereafter" - as the Qutbiyyat of
God, as the "School of Contrast" within God within you, and as the Nur, as the
"School of Light" within True Man within God within you
13.  And What's Next? - if you like, and this is something you and My Children
must Start to be clear about, because Everything Before is all leading Up To You,
You Are The Point of the Whole Thing, of the One Thing, of the God Thing, not
anything else, not anything leading up to Now. So only Now can it be done Right,
only Now can it Finish, such is the importance of you and your age and your life, of all
life Now living in this age, and this is why Everything of God has been pleading with
God, from the Beginning to be allowed to be in the world Now, at this time, for Now is
the Time, Now is when It All Finishes, Now is when it All Makes Sense, if you like,
for Still the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to Let God Finish What
God Is Doing, Again, but this time within you, so this time In The End, "No Child Is
Left Behind", this time in the End, there is nothing still "Separating God" from God
within you

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14.  Understanding Your Work - which is "you leaving", again, and again, and again, in more and more subtle ways, So God can "Come Forward", Again and Again and Again, in more and more subtle ways, as is appropriate for each Stage in God's Story,
as the "True Disciple" within "your presence", then as the Guru in "God's Presence", then as The Light of Wisdom in True Prayer, then as the "Hereafter" Here and Now with the "Light of Heaven", then as God and True Man within God, then as God as the "Power within the Essence of Everything" and Again Everything, that is, Everything just waiting to happen Again, if You like.  Amen. Ok?
15.  Closing Greeting - heart to heart, if you like

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"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Letter 128
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1.  Opening Greetings - heart to heart, if you like
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God.  That is, at the level of the Qutbiyyat of God which in truth is the First of God's Schools within God within you, the School which your soul is Now attending, if you like, if you will let it, which is the "School of Contrast" within God within you, where your soul can take refuge within your Guru, take refuge from you, from you living in the world as the Enemy of the soul, as the life of the "Shirt", that is, of the 7 Robes, of the Dream, of the Drama of "I and you" and of "mine and yours", that is take refuge from the life of your mind and body that you are Now falsely experiencing as "Who you are", and as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life, but all of which is "Just Not True".  All of which in truth is the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you, is the "School of Contrast" within God within you were you can learn about what is "separating you" from God, if you like, and then at the Next Level within God within you, at the level of the Nur or light of God within God within you, which in truth is the Second of God's Schools within God within you, which is the "School of Light", were God will teach God about God within you. That is, when your soul has joined with the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you to find and become "One with" the Nur or Light of wisdom within God within you, allowing the soul to Realize God, allowing the soul to take on the Qualities and Actions of God within God within you, if you like, that is, if you join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to let Everything that is Now separating your soul from God within you End, or at least Start to End, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children.  Before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", and claims you as "his property", dragging you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, before "The Beast" within you is destroyed by your wisdom, which is Now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

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3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you, and transform your wisdom which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?  And in this way, in your current state your soul is animating "the story" written by your parents as they rolled around on a bed like snakes, "a story" that God then took from your parents, printed, put a cover or Shirt on it, animated it with your soul, and then handed to you, "a story" that you are Now living out in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, secretly as the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, and a ghost, that is, secretly as the three sections Now below your head, and the 7 sparks that is your head, that is, below your waist as false creation, your stomach as false destruction, and your chest as false life, and for a little while as "you" living a life of "separation and differences" roaming the illusory earth world on the "outside" of you which in truth is all that you currently see and know, but which in truth is the "least of you", like the tip of an iceberg.  At least until you die to the flesh, that is, until you die to the "outside" of you, and you get the current inside of you, all of which is Now hidden from you, but this time for eternity, this time with hell becoming you eternal lot.  Because the current inside of you is not of God within you, or of what is truly "Within God" within you, or of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  But rather the current inside of you are the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, not God within you, for in truth God is just waiting in the wings within you, just waiting for you to turn back to Him, and to claim Him as "Your Property", so He can then do the same, and grow His wealth within you, and in the End harvest you and claim you as "His Property", making "Your Oneness" with God within you and your understanding of "Your Oneness" your eternal lot. That is, before you die to the flesh, before you permanently lose the "outside" of you, for you to claim God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, and what God is Now doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, as Now your wealth, that is, as Now your birthright, as Now your true heritage, as Now the destiny of your soul, instead of what you are Now currently doing, claiming all that God has discarded within you, that you Now only see as existing on the "outside" of you, as your wealth, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is in truth the fires of hell, and the attachments of all creations, that are just waiting   For if you don't truly awaken to the "Reality and Falsehood" within you, and join in partnership with God within you, to make this transition in your life, from "you" as "separate from" God, to You as "One with" God, in your own life time, or at least truly join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to Start to make this transition, before you die to the flesh, then hell will most certainly become your lot, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God becomes your eternal reward.  That is, if you are not wise, if you do not wise up before your End, that is, if you don't join with God within you to awaken from your dream, liberate your soul, and find and merge with God as His Triple Flame, returning to God the "Most Precious Treasure" which He lovingly and personally gave to you and My Children, which is your soul, and your wisdom, which in truth is How God tells and brings to Completion His Story using His Light, that is, tells and brings to Completion "God's Story" of "Your Oneness", which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man', wearing "God's Shirt" which is the "Shirt of light". 
And in this way, and only in this way, returning to the 5 elements the Shirt that God gave you
, as the temporary cover for your parent's flawed story, allowing God to transform their "flawed story" into "God's Perfect Story", but a Shirt of the 5 ruhanies that you are still wearing, and refuse to take off, and "a flawed story" that you are still trying to tell and complete, to your peril, and that is for sure, no matter what.  That is, no matter what God shows and tells you to the Contrary, that in truth "You and God are One", like all of the beautiful words of wisdom and truth and beauty contained in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, in Spiritual Letter 128, that you are Now reading, and in the all of the 127 previous Spiritual Letters ( that "We" have sent to you, and that are Now all available on-line, along with a wealth of other "Heart's Work" in the on-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (, if you like, all coming to you and My Children from the heart of "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen.  "A shirt" of darkness and "a story" of falsehood and illusion which is Now hiding your current state from you, which is the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, your current state which is preventing you from realizing your True State within God within you, which is Truth and Light, but "a shirt" of darkness you can still join with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to take off, and "a story" of falsehood that you can still join with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to correct, if you like.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of how you will spend eternity, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, for in truth there are only Two Choice, that is, "God or hell", not Three Choice, not "God, heaven, or hell", as you and My Children still mistakenly believe, again to your peril. Amen. Ok?

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4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?  That is, First the World within the World, which is your current state, that is, the World within you as the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, selfishly coming together as One to create a temporary co-operative store for their profit, not your profit, which is the World on the "outside" of you, as the "Flower of hell" within you, with "you" living a life of selfishness, of sin, of "separation from" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which in truth is within you, thinking in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that you have 1 face, when in truth you have 6 faces, you have 6 separate consciousness' making up your life, not just 1 as you and My Children Now mistakenly believe, to your peril.  That is, as the 5 impure lives who are always speaking, and as the 6th life which is the pure life or soul life hidden within you, which is always silent, which is the inner meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), not on the "outside" of you, but within you, in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) dying, not for your sins, but rather, "So You Can Sin", so you can live a life of sin on the illusory "outside" of you, a life of "separation and differences", as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  And in this way, your soul is what God uses to animate the Shirt, to give life to the Shirt, to the 5 elemental lives temporarily joined as one within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you to animate "your parent's story", that is, to animate the illusory story of "I and you", of "mine and yours" on the illusory "outside" of you, that you keep trying to tell and bring to completion on the "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance. 
And if you will let Him, God is just waiting to animate His Story
within you with you soul, that is, once you "Stop fighting with your Guru, with your Shaikh for your soul".  And your wisdom, who as the guardian for your soul, as the wisdom surrounding your soul, is what is truly experiencing that story, not you, not the 5 ruhanies, and not the soul, experiencing that false story written by "your parents", experiencing it as His Dream, as the Dream of the Qutbiyyat of God, as the Dream of your sleeping wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat of God just waiting within God within you for the Dream to End, just waiting for you to be done with the dream, and to invite Him into your life, just waiting for you to be done with your current life on the illusory "outside" of you, so your awakened wisdom can Start to do battle with the "Enemy of your soul", so Your Life can "Change Shirts" and "Change Stories", so you can put down the "shirt of darkness" and pick up the "Shirt of Light".  So you can put down the "false story" and pick up the "True Story" which is the "Story of God", the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, that you have come to this earth world, to join as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to tell, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to "Change Shirts" or not, and to "Change Stories" or not.  Amen. Ok?  That is, for your awakened wisdom, which in truth is Now the Guru within you, and for a little while is Now the Guru on the "outside" of you, to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul", which are the 5 ruhanies within you, and is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, and as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, in order to liberate the soul, to liberate Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you from His Cross within you, from the Shirt of the 5 elements, from the "false story" of your parent's, from the 5 ruhanies who are always roaming the earth world within you, from "you" on the illusory "outside" of you, living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  Please know this Now without the slightest doubt, and join with God, both within you an for a little while on the "outside" of you to awaken your wisdom, allowing our wisdom to liberate your soul, and as "One" with you liberated soul, in the form of Al-hamd, as the "Secret Form of the Truth of Allah", opening up the Next World within you, the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and then
to find and merge with the Nur, with the Body of the soul, and realize Allah, and in this
way, opening the Final World within you, the World of God within God, while you still
can. Amen. Ok?

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5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you.  That is, through this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you, which in truth is within your soul, within your soul which in truth is "Of God" within you, which in truth is the "Seed of God" buried within this earth world within you, just waiting to germinate, to germinate to the truth of you and to the truth of God hidden within you, that is, to the truth that you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, that you are "God's Happening" within God within you, and to germinate to the truth of God hidden within the truth of you, to the truth that God is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" and as such, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such "You and God Are One".  And this is God's Story within God's Shirt, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, just waiting to germinate within you, just waiting for you to let God tell and bring to Completion His Story within His Shirt, Again, but this time within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God, that is, the Choice to let God use your life to tell and bring to Completion what God started within you and My Children a very, very long time ago, which is for God to reveal God to God, for the benefit of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  Amen. Ok?

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6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, which is revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  That would be good.  Good for you as in truth "Us" happening within you, Good for "Us" as Now the "Within God" within you, and Good for the Creation of God within "Us", and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

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9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic,
like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is, only God can return
to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God,
not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false
story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End,
not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a
little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so
You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be
emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the
Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of Light
can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start.  And to do this, you must be
truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and with your parent's false
story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God,
that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the
Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference
which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness".  So First Everything currently
in your cup must be emptied, by God within you, and Then God will fill your cup
again, that is, when you are truly done with it, with what is Now in your cup, that is,
when you truly understand it, for what it is, and have rejected it from you, having seen
and understood its falsehood, having seen and understood its worthlessness, for in

          "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood, for that is the reason it is there
          in the first place, for understanding to occur". Amen. Ok.

And you have yet to do that, or truly even Start to do that, in partnership with God,
both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, but you still can, you still
can Start to do this, if you like, for the Choice is always yours, not God's, that is, the
Choice to join in partnership with God within you, both within you and for a little while
on the "outside" of you, to do this, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, if you like.
That is, you can Start to do this in your life, if you like, but the First Step in this
direction, of Ending you as "separate from", and beginning You as "One with", must
come from you, that is, to truly let you End on the "outside" of you, and to truly let
God Begin within you. Amen. Ok?

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Page 02 - the Next Page, click HERE to read Page 02, "Longer Outline" continues

10.  What Part of You Is Already God? - And What Part Of You Is Not God, Is Not Already God?  Well that part of you that is "Within God" within you, and Everything that "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, is already God within you.  And that part of you that is "outside" of God within you, and "outside" of what "God is doing" within you, all of which has been discarded by God within you, is Not God within you  It is just this simple.  The problem is that in your ignorance and Now in your arrogance about your ignorance you are no longer seeing and you are no longer experiencing God within you as Part of your life, and what is "Within God" within you
as Part of your life
, and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, as Part of your life, all of which is God revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.  The problem is that all that you are currently seeing and experiencing as your whole life is what has been discarded from God within you, which first is satan and his followers, and then is Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), after they are seduced by satan and his followers, that is, when they "Forgot God and fell into many a trap", all of which have Now become the lives of darkness and evil that have grow within you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, when you as a child of 2 to 3 years, as a Child of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), then also "Forgot God and fell into many a trap".  And Now this is all that you are currently seeing or experiencing in your life, the "outside" of you, not as it really is, as the "very real but false" inside of you, but as you living a life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".  That is, what you are Now seeing and experiencing as your whole life, is the "outside" of God, all of which in truth is happening within one tiny cell of God, that is, in one tiny cell of God, which in truth is the smallest part of all that is God, and which in truth is also the "smallest part of all that is you", for in truth "You and God are One".  And all of which is Now seen and experience as your life on the "outside of you is in truth but a reflection of this one tiny cell of darkness and evil within you, that is, reflected into your mind or heart like a TV screen as "your presence", as "separate from" God's Presence", as "your intention" as "separate from" God's Intention, and as "your story" as "separate from" God's Story.  While all that is within God within you, which in truth is all of God except for this tiny cell on the "outside" of God, is just waiting to be reflected into your mind or heart as "God's Presence" as "One with" you, as "God's Intention" as "One with" you, and as "God's Story" as "One with" you, if you like, all of which in truth is the State of God known as the Qutbiyyat of God, within God within you, as the "School of Contrast", within God within you, which is where God sent your soul, to learn about who "It Already Is", by first learning about what is "separating you" from God, if you like.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, the Choice to except God, and all that is "Within God", and what "God is doing" with what is "Within God", as "Who you are", and like God before you, to discard this one tiny cell of satan and his followers, as the "outside" of you, and in this way, become the State of the Qutbiyyat of God.  That is, if you will only find and accept the Qutbiyyat of God for your age and for you life, as such, that is, on the "outside" of you, and take refuge within Him, and in this way, and only in this way, become Him, and Now for your age and for your life, on the "outside" of you, that is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen. Ok? .  It is truly just this simple.  The problem is that you have let happen within you what God let happen within God within you, but you have yet to do what God then did after that, which is to "Tell and Bring To Completion His Story", all of which is Now God within you.  That is, you have let one of the Creation of God, who was the leader of the fire lives within you come to a state of arrogance within you and destroy you, that is, destroy you as the Child of God, as the "Child of Light", and instead turn you into the "child of satan", into the "child of darkness", for as "We taught you while "We" were living in the world, and as Now recorded for you as the opening paragraph in the "Forward" ( to the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom" (, the following,

          "Man appearing on this earth Forgets God and falls into many a trap.  He does
          not know to "Seek Himself within Himself", although God exists within Man.  This
          "Guru Mani" or "Pearl of Wisdom" is provided to explain this Concept in detail."

That is, to explain the Concept of Tawhid or the Affirmation of the Unity or Oneness of God in detail, if you like, that is, in truth "You and God are One", for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to "Seek Yourself within Yourself" or not, or at least to truly Start to do this, before you die to the flesh, that is, before the "Devil has his way with you" for eternity, the Choice to join in partnership with God within you to let God do it again, that is, to "Become God Again", but this time within you, that is, to Again Affirm the Truth of you, and the Truth of God within you, that in truth "You Are One".  Amen. Ok?  And in this way, you have yet to do within you what God did within Him after satan spit on Adam (peace be upon Him) within God within you, and then led Adam (peace be upon Him) astray after being banished from "God's Presence", dragging Adam (peace be upon Him) to the deepest hells, which Now the state of you and My Children, and what God did Next which you have yet to do, which is to return Adam (peace be upon Him) to His Original State within Him, and then Use Adam (peace be upon Him) within Him to finish telling and bringing to Completion God's Story within Him, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God.  And you have yet to do this within you, even though God has already done this within you, which is How God became God within you, because you do not yet understand You, that is, you do not yet understand either God within you, or what is "Within God" within you, or what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, all of which in truth is You, what is "Within you", and what in truth "You are doing" with what is "Within you", for in truth "You and God" are One, like the apple seed and the apple tree and the fruits of that apple tree are all One.  Nor do you understand the Creation of God or the Creation of Adam (peace be upon Him) within God within you, that God Created in order to tell and bring to Complete His Story within Him, for the benefit of His Creation within Him, nor do you understand the fall of satan and his followers as Creations of God within Him, and the subsequent fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) as the Children of God within Him, nor do you understand the return of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) from their fall from the "Presence of God", back to the "Presence of God" within Him, and then Adam's (peace be upon Him) return from His fall from God's Grace, from the "Oneness of God", back to God's Grace, back to the "Oneness of God".  All of which in truth is "Your Story", and "your fall", and "Your Recovery", if you like, all of which in truth is "Your Oneness", if you like, for the Choice is Now yours, not God's, as before the Choice was God's, not God within Him, and God correctly made His Choice, using God within Him to Now become God within you, so Now the Choice is yours, that is, to become God within the Creation of God within you, and to become God within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, that is, within the Light of God within you, and God within Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) within you, that is, within the "Presence of God" within you, or not, by Getting God to Do It Again, but this time within you.  Amen. Ok?  And this is why you were born, to understand all of this, or at least to truly Start to understand this, in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and has "his way with you", all of which in truth is to "Understand You", and to Understand God within You, who in truth "Are One", which in truth is the "Same Understanding".  And this is why you were born, to do this, that is, to get God within you to do it again, that is, to finish telling and bringing to Completion His Story, but this time within you, for in truth this is "Who you are", and this is "Who God Is", for in truth "You and God Are One", and as such, you in your current state, that is, as in truth the "Seed of God" buried within the Earth or Creation of God within God within you, are "God happening" within the Creation of God, as in truth God as the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Earth or Creation of God, is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God, and as such "You and God Are One".  This is why you were born, to join in partnership with God within you, to let God do it Again, but this time within you, not to do any of the silly things that you are currently doing on the illusory "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, like raising a family, or searching for God, or holding meetings and taking about God, or publishing books, or praying as a Muslim separate from those who are praying as a Jew, or as a Christian, or as Hindu, or as a Zoroastrian, all of which are "Prayers of Separation" which God cannot accept.  So please Stop all of this silliness on the "outside" of you, while you still can, and instead "Find and Understand a True Human Being among the Creation of God", for only in this way will you find the True Man and God within yourself and perform True Meditation.  You have to understand the cage of your body, for in truth "Outer Acts are Not Real".  You have to "Find the place within to perform true meditation".  For as "We" taught you while "We" were living in the world, and as Now recorded for you starting on page 5 in the "Introduction" to the beautiful book of wisdom, "Shaikh and Disciple", the following:

[Note:  To read an on-line version of the complete "Introduction" to "Shaikh and Disciple", please click HERE ( Once there, go to "Table of Contents" and click on "Introduction".  For other "Wisdom Study Material" by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and Now by His Children, by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us), please click on the following:
On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library
( Thank you. Enjoy.
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen

Beginning of Quotation
From: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Source: The "Introduction" to the Book, "Shaikh and Disciple",

"Then I came to the city and studied the animals there. I discovered that human animals were behaving just like other creatures. Whatever qualities these other being had, man also had.

What the monkey had, man had. What the venomous snake had, man had. The human animal was not a wonder. He did not have anything different from the animals.
At this point I realized that the most difficult task in life is to find a true man among the created beings.

To find a true human being and to understand him is very difficult indeed. Only after realizing the true man and God within myself could I perform true meditation. I had to understand the cage of this body.

Outer acts are not real. I had to find the place within to perform true meditation.
At this point I was told,

          "There is a house that was built and given to you. That house is your body."

I said.

          "But this body is only eight spans. How can I live here?"

Then He told me,

          "Even an ant's body is eight spans of its own hand. The body is a school.

          It is your house, your heaven, your hell, and my Kingdom. Your freedom is
          there, yet your slavery is also there. Both your joys and your sorrows are there".

          "Man-animal and Man-God are both there".

          "All this learning is within this eight-span house of your body. If you become an
          insan, a true man, you will understand this. You are My Secret. I am a

According to His words, I started to learn about the cage of my body. Within this eight-span body, I set out to discover what should be discarded and what should be taken in.

I was told,

          "Within this eight-span house, half a span is your sorrow, half a span is your
          torpor, and one span is the fire of hell. If you can understand and discard these
          two spans, then you are left with six."

          "Once you have understood all that is within the remaining six spans of your
          body, you can become a man with six levels of wisdom, capable of analyzing
          and discovering the secrets of the eighteen thousand universes."

          "Then you will understand that one handful of earth which is your heart. If you do
          not reach this understanding, you could become a worm in hell with only one
          level of wisdom, or you could become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, or a demon. You
          could become a ruhani, an elemental spirit."

          "However, if you understand yourself, then you can become a true human being.
          You can become My messenger, you can become My light, you can merge with
          Me and we can live together."

These were His words.

We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong.

Children, you must have purity of heart to learn from the purity of the father. The secret of God, our Father who is purity, must be learned with pure love, pure faith, pure compassion, pure unity, and a pure life.

This is the only way we can learn and understand that purity, that meditation, that prayer, and that learning.

If each one of you establishes and understands this state within, then the connection between you and your Father can easily be established.

You can conduct your lives with ease and understand all you need to know. You can understand the life in which wisdom, good deeds, our Father, and the Children live together.

When love, wisdom, and unity are all together, that is the heaven of gnanam. The Children of the pure Father will live in the paradise of gnanam. That is firdaus, our Father's pure kingdom. We will be given the radiant kingdom of our Father as our prize.

You must understand this pure place. When you can establish this within yourself and demonstrate proof of its existence, then your Father's kingdom of wisdom, love, compassion, peace, and iman becomes yours.

These are some of the things I have learned through experience. My love you. Think about this. May Allah help you. Amin."

End of Quotation
From: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Source: The "Introduction" to the Book, "Shaikh and Disciple",

So This is why you were born, to discover what is hidden within this body, that is,

          "We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn
          from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure
          heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong".

So please Stop all of your current craziness, all of your current silliness on the "outside" of you, for in truth all of your "Busy Work" on the "outside" of you is just selfishness, and is just wasting your time here.  So Stop working for wages to get into some illusory New Outside of you after you die to the current "outside" of you, all of which will only bring you sadness in the End, and instead, truly Start to join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to let God do it Again, that is to "Become God" Again, but this time within you, that is, to let God reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do, but this time within you, because in truth "You and God Are One".  For in truth your father entering your mother as a man, coming out as a child, all of which is praised in the world as the "gift of life", is in truth the "spit of satan" Again, weakening Adam (peace be upon Him) Again, this time within you, that is, Again moving Adam (peace be upon Him) from the State of Grace or the "Oneness of God", to the State of Wisdom or the "Presence" of God.  And in truth you starting to truly live in the world, as a "little person", all of which is also praised in the world as the "gift of growing up", is in truth the fall of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) Again, but this time as you, that is, Again moving Adam, Now as Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) from the State of Wisdom or the "Presence of God", and the "Intention of God", and the "Story of God", and the "Duty of God", and the "History of God" within you, to the "state of ignorance" or "your presence" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" God's Presence" within you, and to "your intention" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Intention of God" within you, and to "your story" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Story of God" within you, and to "your duty" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "Duty of God" within you, and to "your history" on the "outside" of you as "separate from" the "History of God" within you, and this is Now the truth of your life. Amen. Ok?  That is, until God intervenes in your life, which God will only do if you ask Him to, that is, to intervene in your life, all of which God will most gladly do, if you will only ask Him, for if you truly take 1 step toward God, He will take 10 steps toward you, but you must make the first step. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
11.  A Better Understanding of Adam (A.S.) - that is, as the "School of Contrast"
within God within you, as the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you answering His
Question of God, that is, of the Nur of God, the Question, "Who am I?", and within
that, as the "School of Light" within God within you, as the Nur of God answering His
Question of God, the Question, "Who am I?" , so God can Then Answer His Question, that God asked of God in Anathi, in the time of darkness or lack of understanding, that is, before the beginningless beginning, before Aathi, before the time of Light, the Quesiton, "Who am I?.  Amen. Ok?
12.  A Better Understanding of "The Here" & "The Hereafter" - as the Qutbiyyat of God, as the "School of Contrast" within God within you, and as the Nur, as the "School of Light" within True Man within God within you
13.  And What's Next? - if you like, and this is something you and My Children
must Start to be clear about, because Everything Before is all leading Up To You, You Are The Point of the Whole Thing, of the One Thing, of the God Thing, not anything else, not anything leading up to Now. So only Now can it be done Right,
only Now can it Finish
, such is the importance of you and your age and your life, of all life Now living in this age, and this is why Everything of God has been pleading with God, from the Beginning to be allowed to be in the world Now, at this time, for Now is the Time, Now is when It All Finishes, Now is when it All Makes Sense, if you like, for Still the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to Let God Finish What God Is Doing, Again, but this time within you, so this time In The End, "No Child Is Left Behind", so this time in the End, there is nothing still "Separating God" from God within you

                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Introduction"
14.  Understanding Your Work - which is "you leaving", again, and again, and again, in more and more subtle ways, So God can "Come Forward", Again and Again and Again, in more and more subtle ways, as is appropriate for each Stage in God's Story, first as the "True Disciple" within "your presence", then as the Guru in "God's Presence", then as The Light of Wisdom in True Prayer, then as the "Hereafter" Here and Now with the "Light of Heaven", then as God and True Man within God, then as God as the "Power within the Essence of Everything" and Again Everything, that is, Everything just waiting to happen Again, if You like.  Amen. Ok?
15.  Closing Greeting - heart to heart, if you like

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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 128
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                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 128
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "Expanded Title"
Bawa.  Here is Page 1 of 2 of the E-mail Version of a beautiful Spiritual Letter,
Spiritual Letter 128", to My dearest loving brother Muhamamd Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) and My dearest loving sister Habiba (Angela), may God be pleased with Them. Amen.

Bawa.  Who in truth, like each of My Children, is My dearest loving Son and
Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Him, and with Us), if you like, that is, if you look through the eyes of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which are the 99 wilayats or powers of God within you, that is, are the 99 beautiful names of God in the Asma'el Husna within you which in truth are the windows of your heart, if you like, through which everything in the 18,000 Universes within you can be seen, and understood, again, if you like, for in truth the Choice is yours, not God's. That is, the Choice whether any of "This Reality of You" happens within you, or not. Amen.. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, a beautiful Spiritual Letter from God within My Children, to all of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in your age, if you like, that is, if your
true intention
for the life within you, that is, for your soul life, for your 6th life, for your Light Life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, is to again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh and get an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, to again become "One with" God within you, but this time with an understanding of "Your Oneness", so it will never leave you again. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "A True Love Letter" to "Our" dearest loving Son and
Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Them, and with Us) at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, if you like. Amen

Bawa.  A beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following "Short Title",

"Who You Already Are",
And "Where You Already Are",
And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
While You Still Can,
Before This Kind of Understanding
Is No Longer Available To You,
Because You Have Become
What God Has Discarded From Himself,
In Order To Become God Within You"

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have given the following
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
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Expanded Title
of Spiritual Letter 128
                                                                      - go To "Opening Greetings"
                                                                      - go To "About Spiritual Letter 128"
                                                                      - go to "Related Material"

"Join As "One With" Us On The "Outside" of You
To Become "One With" Us Within You,
In Order To Truly Become "One With" God Within You,
In Order To
Truly Understand
"Who You Already Are",
And "Where You Already Are",
And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
While You Still Can,
Before This Kind of Understanding
Is No Longer Available To You,
Because You Have Become
What God Has Discarded From Himself,
In Order To Become God Within You.
That Is,
To Truly Understand
"What Can Truly Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Came Here From God Within You,
And To Truly Understand
"What Cannot Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Grew Here,
As The Lives of Darkness and Evil Within You,
And Really Has No Interest In Returning To God Within You,
No Matter What It Might Tell You To The Contrary.
And To Truly Understand This Choice,
And What Will Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which In Truth Is Only God Within You,
And For A Little While God On The "Outside" of You,
And What Won't Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which Is Everything Else,
No Matter How It Is Currently Decorated
On the Illusory "Outside" of You,
And No Matter How it Currently Speaks To You
As Your Thoughts Disguised As Wisdom.
And Start To Understand Everything
From God's Perspective
As "One with" Everyone and Everything,
As God Witnessing God Tell And Bring To Completion
His Story Within Him
For the Benefit of all of the Creation of God Within Him,
And For a Little While On the "Outside" of You
For The Benefit of Your Brothers and Sisters,
As This Child Has Now Learned To Do.
And Stop All of Your Current Activity
Of Trying To Understand Everything
From Your Prospective
As "Separate From" Everyone and Everything,
As "Your Story" On the "Outside" of You,
For Your Benefit,
Not For The Benefit of Anyone Or Anything Else
Amen. Ok?"

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of
My Children
who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May God all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of
My Children
.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

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Related Material - to Spiritual Letter 128

Bawa.  For more on these wisdom points, and the significance of this Spiritual Letter to all of My Children, please click on the Title of the Following Material that is also provided as part of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.
com), both as Related Spiritual Chats (, followed by Related Spiritual Letters ( all of which is from God within "Us" all, to the Children of God for your age, if you like:

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Related Spiritual Chats: [Home Page (]

Spiritual Chat 422 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 421 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 420 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 419 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 414 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 412 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 409 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 404 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 392 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 383 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 369 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 368 - E-mail Version (In Process)
Spiritual Chat 367 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Chat 366 - E-mail Version
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Spiritual Chat 359 - E-mail Version
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Spiritual Letter 127 - E-mail Version (In Process)
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Spiritual Letter 123 - E-mail Version (In Process)
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Spiritual Letter 120 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 119 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 118 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 117 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 116 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 115 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 114 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 113 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 112 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 111 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 110 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 109 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 108 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 107 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 106 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 105 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 104 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 103 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 102 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 101 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 100 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 99 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 98 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 97 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 96 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 95 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 94 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 93 - E-mail Version
          Expanded Introduction - for Spiritual Letter 93
Spiritual Letter 92 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 91 - E-mail Version
Spiritual Letter 90 - E-mail Version
          Opening Comments - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Expanded Version of Opening Comments, and
                    with an "Outline & Summary")
          Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (With a New Introduction, that is,
                    with a New Summary of Spiritual Letter 90)
          More About Controlling Your Thoughts - for Spiritual Letter 90
                    (Plus some Background Information about
                    the New Book "A Book of Our Love" by "The Children",
                    that Bawa Instructed Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
                    and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to start to write together)

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of
My Children.  May God help all of My ChildrenMay God be pleased with all of My Children. Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

                                                                      - go to Top of Page
                                                                      - go to "Main Go To"
                                                                      - go to "Without Outline"
E-mail Version - of Spiritual Letter 128 (With Outline) and (for Page 1 Only)
                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - My love you

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children. May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My dearest loving Son and Daughter Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

Bawa. You are a very good Son and a very good Daughter of your Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) within you, and of God within Him), and now on the "outside" of you of His Children, that is, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who in truth have Now become Him on the "outside" of you, if you like. Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
2.  How Does God Finish His Story - both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you?  By answering His Question of Himself, that He asked of Himself in Anathi, in the Time of Darkness or the Time of Lack of Understanding, before the Time of Light or the Time of Understanding, and that He asks of Himself Again, Next in the Time of Light, and then in the Time of "The Shadow", that is, that He asks of Himself before the beginningless beginning, and at each level He has Now Opened within Himself since then, the Question, "Who am I?".  All of which is Now the World within the World, which is "your presence" on the illusory "outside" of you, and before that as "God's Presence", which is the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and before that as "God's Oneness", which is the World of God within God. 

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 02"
Expanded Overview of Topic 02:

Bawa.  That is, at the level of the Qutbiyyat of God which in truth is the First of God's
Schools within God within you, the School which your soul is Now attending, if you
like, if you will let it, which is the "School of Contrast" within God within you, where
your soul can take refuge within your Guru, take refuge from you, from you living in the
world as the Enemy of the soul, as the life of the "Shirt", that is, of the 7 Robes, of the
Dream, of the Drama of "I and you" and of "mine and yours", that is take refuge from
the life of your mind and body that you are Now falsely experiencing as "Who you are",
and as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life, but all of which is
"Just Not True".

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you, is the
"School of Contrast" within God within you were you can learn about what is
"separating you" from God, if you like, and then at the Next Level within God within
you, at the level of the Nur or light of God within God within you, which in truth is the
Second of God's Schools within God within you, which is the "School of Light", were
God will teach God about God within you.

Bawa.  That is, when your soul has joined with the Qutbiyyat of God within God within
you to find and become "One with" the Nur or Light of wisdom within God within you,
allowing the soul to Realize God, allowing the soul to take on the Qualities and
Actions of God within God within you, if you like, that is, if you join in partnership with
God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to let Everything
that is Now separating your soul from God within you End, or at least Start to End,
before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My

Bawa.  Before "The Beast" harvests you as "his crop", and claims you as "his
property", dragging you yelling and screaming to hell within you, that is, before "The
Beast" within you is destroyed by your wisdom, which is Now Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), both within you and for a little while onthe "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 02"
Text of Topic 02:

Bawa.  Thank you for the following beautiful question that you asked of "Us" in "Our" last Spiritual Chat (see Spiritual Chat 433 and 434) the other night,

"May we speak of how the light of the Noor Muhammad is manifest in the life of one who has completely surrendered to the truth of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of himself and becomes one with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "inside" of himself so that the two who have now become one can begin that search for the Noor Muhammad on the "inside". That Noor Muhammad which will bring the sound to the soul, enabling the soul to commune directly with God, to speak only His words and to take its nourishment directly from Him alone"

Bawa. And thank you also for the beautiful answer that you provided to this question, as follows:

          "When the disciple has completely surrendered to Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.
          on the "outside" of him and thus enabled the soul to join as "one with" Shaikh
          Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "inside" of him then this will be the state of the
          disciple having surrendered to the Shaikh. With Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
          now having become the True Shaikh (who we now know as Muhammad Rahim
          Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and the True Shaikh now having become God, thus
          allowing God to become the True Disciple, all within God within us".

          "Now the soul and the True Shaikh (the Qutb) having joined as one go in search
          of and become one with the Noor Muhammad becoming the Triple Flame of Ruh,
          Wisdom and the Noor joining as one within the Alif, Lam and Meem which are the
          manifestations of the Ruh, Wisdom and the Noor within the "Secret from of the
          Truth of Allah".

Bawa. When "We" hand what was shared to God within this child the following clarity comes into the heart of this child, if you like.

Bawa. Your answer shows that you are still trying to understand this question from the perspective of yourself, still as "separate from" God, that is, from the perspective of the mind and desire, from the perspective of "your presence" as "separate from" God within you, and from what is "Within God" within you, and from what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is God revealing God to God within you for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this Child is Now doing.

Bawa.  For in truth, from the perspective of this child, living as the Feet of God for your age and for your life, it all reads and sounds like "your story", that is, like just another chapter in "your story", a story that is completing "your intention", not from the perspective of wisdom, not from the perspective of sitting in "God's Presence" and experiencing "God's Intention" and witnessing "God's Story", having fallen into the Fire of God, as this child has Now done.  That is the difference. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  This is the problem with your effort, My dearest loving Son and Daughter
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with You, and with Us), it is all about you, and what you have to understand, and what you have to do, both here and later. But it doesn't work that way.

Bawa.  For example last night you were told that you are not doing it right, and that nothing that you were currently doing is of any value to you, or to anybody else. But you must still think that you are doing it right because instead of asking tonight "How to do it right", for example, how to "Pass through the door", you want to know,

          "How the light of the Noor Muhammad is manifest in the life of one who has
          completely surrendered to the truth of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the
          "outside" of himself and become one with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the
          "inside" of himself so that the two who have now become one can begin that
          search for the Noor Muhammad on the "inside".

Bawa. And who within you would ask such a question, only the mind and desire, for wisdom would just sit patiently waiting for God to speak, always making itself available to God, but with no agenda, with no questions, because from the perspective of wisdom, everything is always perfect. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. But if that is what you wish to continue doing with the "Time God has given Us", what can "We" do but go along with it, hoping that you will realize the flaw in this approach, before your time and the time of My Children runs out, that is, if you wish to  continue living behind your mind and desire, instead of learning How To "Walk through the door" and truly End within you as something New truly Begins within God within you, that is, so the Child of Light comes forward from within God within you, as Now the life living within you, as the Child of Darkness within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, leaves you forever, Ending your current life within you.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
3.  Understanding God's "Extraordinary Process" - which if you like, will quite naturally transform you as the formless, soundless soul, and as the sleeping wisdom surrounding the soul, into "Three Flames as One God", Again into the Triple Flame of God, within God within you, as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time within you.  That is, if you truly Start to join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while join in partnership with God on the "outside" of you, and truly Stop all of your working for wages to get into heaven.  That is, allow the "Extraordinary Process" of God within you to take place within God within you, which will quite naturally transform your soul and your wisdom into the State of the Qutbiyyat of God within God within you.  That is, transform your soul which in truth is Now Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on His Cross within you, into the True Disciple within God within you, and transform your wisdom which is Now You Sleeping within you, dreaming the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", into You and God within You, if you like, that is, if you will let the dream End, if you will let the dream of you, which is Everything that you are Now experiencing as "Who you are", as "Where you are", and as "What is happening" in your life. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 03"
Expanded Overview of Topic 03:

Bawa.  And in this way, in your current state your soul is animating "the story" written by your parents as they rolled around on a bed like snakes, "a story" that God then took from your parents, printed, put a cover or Shirt on it, animated with the soul, and then handed to you, "a story" that you are Now living out in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, secretly as the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, that is, as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, and a ghost, that is, secretly as the three sections Now below your head, and the 7 sparks that is your head, that is, below your waist as false creation, your stomach as false destruction, and your chest as false life, and for a little while as "you" living a life of "separation and differences" roaming the illusory earth world on the "outside" of you which in truth is all that you currently see and know, but which in truth is the "least of you", like the tip of an iceberg.

Bawa.  At least until you die to the flesh, that is, until you die to the "outside" of you, and you get the current inside of you, all of which is Now hidden from you, but this time for eternity, this time with hell becoming you eternal lot. 

Bawa.  Because the current inside of you is not of God within you, or of what is truly "Within God" within you, or of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.

Bawa.  But rather the current inside of you are the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, not God within you, for in truth God is just waiting in the wings within you, just waiting for you to turn back to Him, and to claim Him as "Your Property", so He can then do the same, and grow His wealth within you, and in the End harvest you and claim you as "His Property", making "Your Oneness" with God within you and your understanding of "Your Oneness" your eternal lot.

Bawa.  That is, before you die to the flesh, before you permanently lose the "outside" of you, for you to claim God within you, and what is "Within God" within you, and what God is Now doing within you, with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, as Now your wealth, that is, as Now your birthright, as Now your true heritage, as Now the destiny of your soul, instead of what you are Now currently doing, claiming all that God has discarded within you, that you Now only see as existing on the "outside" of you, as your wealth, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which is in truth the fires of hell, and the attachments of all creations, that are just waiting

Bawa.  For if you don't truly awaken to the "Reality and Falsehood" within you, and join in partnership with God within you, to make this transition in your life, from "you" as "separate from" God, to You as "One with" God, in your own life time, or at least truly join in partnership with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to Start to make this transition, before you die to the flesh, then hell will most certainly become your lot, that is, an eternal life within you as "separate from" God becomes your eternal reward.

Bawa.  That is, if you are not wise, if you do not wise up before your End, that is, if you don't join with God within you to awaken from your dream, liberate your soul, and find and merge with God as His Triple Flame, returning to God the "Most Precious Treasure" which He lovingly and personally gave to you and My Children, which is your soul, and your wisdom, which in truth is How God tells and brings to Completion His Story using His Light, that is, tells and brings to Completion "God's Story" of "Your Oneness", which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man', wearing "God's Shirt" which is the "Shirt of light".

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, returning to the 5 elements the Shirt that God gave you, as the temporary cover for your parent's flawed story, allowing God to transform their "flawed story" into "God's Perfect Story", but a Shirt of the 5 ruhanies
that you are still wearing, and refuse to take off, and "a flawed story" that you are still trying to tell and complete, to your peril, and that is for sure, no matter what.

Bawa.  That is, no matter what God shows and tells you to the Contrary, that in truth "You and God are One", like all of the beautiful words of wisdom and truth and beauty contained in this beautiful Spiritual Letter, in Spiritual Letter 128, that you are Now reading, and in the all of the 127 previous "Spiritual Letters" (www.SpiritualLetters. that "We" have sent to you, and that are Now all available on-line, along with a wealth of other "Heart's Work" in the on-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (, if you like, all coming to you and My Children from the heart of "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), in whom "We are well pleased".  Amen

Bawa.  "A shirt" of darkness and "a story" of falsehood and illusion which is Now hiding your current state from you, which is the 5 ruhanies roaming the earth world within you, your current state which is preventing you from realizing your True State within God within you, which is Truth and Light, but "a shirt" of darkness you can still join with God within you, and for a little while with God on the "outside" of you, to take off, and "a story" of falsehood that you can still join with God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to correct, if you like.

Bawa.  For the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of how you will spend eternity, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, for in truth there are only Two Choice, that is, "God or hell", not Three Choice, not "God, heaven, or hell", as you and My Children still mistakenly believe, again to your peril. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 03"
Text of Topic 03:

Bawa. So, The answer to your question is as follows, as beautifully explained by Bawa while He was living in the world, an answer which "We" will then expand for you in the rest of this Spiritual Letter, a letter from God within "Us" all to God within "Us" all, if you like, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while for the benefit of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

Spiritual Discourse 07
By: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him)
On-line Link:

"If you wish to reach God you need a teacher, a true Gnana Guru, a Qutb with the qualities of God; you will find all the attributes of God in this teacher.  When you take refuge in such a Guru you will see God.  You become the Guru, disappearing in Him while the Guru (becomes God), disappearing in God, (while God becomes the True Disciple disappearing Him).  Three flames become One God.  God is a flame, the Guru is a flame, the Disciple is a flame.  As the two disappear in One, this is the Triple Flame.  Children, please understand this Extraordinary Process".

Original By: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
Expanded Part By: (in brackets) Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)

Sources (of original):

1) The Book: "The Tree That Fell to the West: Autobiography of a Sufi", by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)..
2) The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for November 2006

[Note: you can read an on-line version of this discourse by clicking on the following: "Spiritual Discourse 07", (, as part of the on-line "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library" ( Thank you.
Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen]

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
4.  So What Is Your Current State? - you are Now the "Cover" that God placed on your parent's story, a cover made out of the 5 elements, a cover for the flawed story of your parents, for the story of "separation and differences" that they wrote, a story they created when they rolled around like snakes on a bed, in their ignorance and in their arrogance about their ignorance, a story that has now become the First of the Three Worlds you can open within you, if you like, that is, the World within the World, which is your present World, Next the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, which you can open within you, if you "Find and Understand" a True Human Being among the Creation of God, and Finally, the World of God within God, which God is just waiting to Open within You, and that is for sure.  Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 04"
Expanded Overview of Topic 04:

Bawa. That is, First the World within the World, which is your current state, that is, the World within you as the 5 ruhanies or elemental spirits roaming the earth world within you, selfishly coming together as One to create a temporary co-operative store for their profit, not your profit, which is the World on the "outside" of you, as the "Flower of hell" within you, with "you" living a life of selfishness, of sin, of "separation from" on the illusory "outside" of you, all of which in truth is within you, thinking in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance that you have 1 face, when in truth you have 6 faces, you have 6 separate consciousness' making up your life, not just 1 as you and My Children Now mistakenly believe, to your peril.

Bawa.  That is, as the 5 impure lives who are always speaking, and as the 6th life which is the pure life or soul life hidden within you, which is always silent, which is the inner meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon Him), not on the "outside" of you, but within you, in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) dying, not for your sins, but rather, "So You Can Sin", so you can live a life of sin on the illusory "outside" of you, a life of "separation and differences", as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  And in this way, your soul is what God uses to animate, to give life to the Shirt, to the 5 element lives temporarily joined as one within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you to "your parent's story", that is, to the illusory story of "I and you", of "mine and yours" on the illusory "outside" of you, that you keep trying to tell and bring to completion on the "outside" of you, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance.  And if you will let Him, God is just waiting to animate His Story within you with you soul, that is, once you "Stop fighting with your Guru, with your Shaikh for your soul".

Bawa.  And your wisdom, who as the guardian for your soul, as the wisdom surrounding your soul, is what is truly experiencing that story, not you, not the 5 ruhanies, and not the soul, experiencing that false story written by "your parents", experiencing it as His Dream, as the Dream of the Qutbiyyat of God, as the Dream of your sleeping wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat of God just waiting within God within you for the Dream to End, just waiting for you to be done with the dream, and to invite Him into your life, just waiting for you to be done with your current life on the illusory "outside" of you, so your awakened wisdom can Start to do battle with the "Enemy of your soul", so Your Life can "Change Shirts" and "Change Stories", so you can put down the "shirt of darkness" and pick up the "Shirt of Light".

Bawa.  So you can put down the "false story" and pick up the "True Story" which is the "Story of God", the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within you, that you have come to this earth world, to join as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to tell, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to "Change Shirts" or not, and to "Change Stories" or not.  Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  That is, for your awakened wisdom, which in truth is Now the Guru within you, and for a little while is Now the Guru on the "outside" of you, to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul", which are the 5 ruhanies within you, and is "you" living as if you are "separate from" God within you, and as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, in order to liberate the soul, to liberate Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you from His Cross within you, from the Shirt of the 5 elements, from the "false story" of your parent's, from the 5 ruhanies who are always roaming the earth world within you, from "you" on the illusory "outside" of you, living as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if you are "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True". 

Bawa.  Please know this Now without the slightest doubt, and join with God, both within you an for a little while on the "outside" of you to awaken your wisdom, allowing our wisdom to liberate your soul, and as "One" with you liberated soul, in the form of Al-hamd, as the "Secret Form of the Truth of Allah", opening up the Next World within you, the World of Wisdom within Wisdom, and then to find and merge with the Nur, with the Body of the soul, and realize Allah, and in this way, opening the Final World within you, the World of God within God, while you still can. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 04"
Text of Topic 04:

Bawa. So what is your current state?  You and My Children are the "outside" of the
Guru, while God is the "inside" of the Guru, and this is why there is always a Guru in
the world, or you could not exist in the world. In this way, the Guru is what keeps you
protected from the light or Power of God while you are still in your current state of
darkness, for if He would not be there, protecting you from God, that is, between you
and God, the light of God would burn you up, would destroy you.

Bawa.  Think of the Guru as the insulation around an electrical wire. If you would try to
grab hold of the electrical wire without insulation, like you and My Children are Now
trying to grab hold of God, you would be hurt, and possibly even die, but as long as
you only hold the wire through the insulation, you are protected from that electrical
power, and as long as the Guru is there you are protected from the power of God.  And
once you truly join in partnership with God within you, and give up all of your darkness
and move into the light of the Guru, then you can touch the light of God directly, but
Then you have become the Guru, you have become the insulation between the Guru's
Children and God, then the God of the Guru has Now become Your God, and the
Children of the Guru have Now become Your Children, and in a most subtle way, God
has Now appeared within each of His Children as the True Disciple that is within God,
allowing this "Extraordinary Process" to occur Again, but this time within you.

Bawa. In this way, if you like, the Guru becomes God within you, disappearing into
God within the Light of the Nur within the Guru, the 7th level of wisdom, as you take
refuge in the Guru and "See God", that is, as you become the Guru, disappearing in
the Guru, disappearing within the Light of the Qutbiyyat of God, the 6th level of
wisdom, seeing God within you as the Light of wisdom within you, allowing God within
the Guru, as the Light of the Nur, to become the True Disciple within God within you,
with God within the Guru disappearing in the True Disciple within God, that is, with
God "Letting the Silent One Appear as Grace" within the Guru, who is Now you.
Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  In this way, Three Flames become One God, which then Again becomes the
Triple Flame of God, Again as "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple", but this time
within you, no longer within the Guru, because Now the Guru has become God within
you, within the Guru which is Now you, because Now the Guru has become One of the
Three Flames that is Now you, and in this way, the Guru has lost both the "outside" of
Himself, and the "inside" of Himself to you, becoming God within the Guru with you,
which is Now you, and for a little while becoming God on the "outside" of you, if you

Bawa.  For the Choice is yours, not God's Choice, and not the Guru's Choice, that is,
the Choice to "Let This Happen", both within you and for a little while on the "outside"
of you, or not, that is, to let "you" as the shadow End, to let "you" as the shirt or 7
robes End, to let "you" as what is being insulated from the light of God by the light of
the Qutbiyyat of God End, to let "you" as the 5 ruhanies joined together as a
co-operative store for profit End, to let "you" as the lives of darkness and evil, as satan
and the companions of satan within you End, to let "you" living a life of "separation and
differences" on the illusory "outside" of you End, to let "you" living as if you are
"separate from" God within you End, to let "you" living as if you are "separate from"
your brothers and sisters End, and to let "you" living as if you are "separate from" the
Creation of God within God within you End. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.   And Then, if you truly do this in your lifetime, that is, if you truly join in
partnership with God within you, by first joining in partnership with God on the
"outside" of you to do this, Then all that the Guru was, is Now who you are, and Then
all that God was, is Now who the Guru Is, and Then all that you were, is Now who God
is, and as such, "You are all One", that is, "God, the Guru, and the True Disciple" are
Again all One, but this time within you, One within the Other as One, One revealing the
Other, while disappearing in the One being revealed, only to appear again in the Next
Cycle, in the Next Cycle of God-Man/Man-God.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
5.  An Example of God's "Extraordinary Process" - on the "outside" of you, is the journey of the apple seed from the fruit, to the earth, and then back to the fruit, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth within them, but if they do, letting "Truth surrender to Truth", in the process revealing the apple tree growing in the earth, the apple fruits growing on the apple tree, the sweet taste within the apple fruit, and again the apple seed, but this time a 1000 fold, that is, that is, with 1 apple seed becoming 1000 apple seeds, because of this "Extraordinary Process", all of which translates for you and My Children into the 1000 Generosities of God, that transform the 5 ruhanies within you who have come together as one for profit, back into the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within God within you, who then come together as One for True Prayer, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within the 5 levels of wisdom, and within that the 7th level of wisdom, within the 6 levels of wisdom, joined together as One, that is, if you will only join in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to reveal the 1000 Generosities of God from your 1 soul, through this "Extraordinary Process" of God within you

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 05"
Expanded Overview of Topic 05:

Bawa.  That is, through this "Extraordinary Process" within God within you, which in truth is within your soul, within your soul which in truth is "Of God" within you, which in truth is the "Seed of God" buried within this earth world within you, just waiting to germinate, to germinate to the truth of you and to the truth of God hidden within you, that is, to the truth that you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such, that you are "God's Happening" within God within you, and to germinate to the truth of God hidden within the truth of you, to the truth that God is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" and as such, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within you, and as such "You and God Are One"

Bawa. And this is God's Story within God's Shirt, that is, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within the 7 levels of wisdom within God within you, just waiting to germinate within you, just waiting for you to let God tell and bring to Completion His Story within His Shirt, Again, but this time within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God, that is, the Choice to let God use your life to tell and bring to Completion what God started within you and My Children a very, very long time ago, which is for God to reveal God to God, for the benefit of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing.  Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 05"
Text of Topic 05:

Bawa.  All of which is on the "outside" of you, as an Example of this "Extraordinary Process" within you, which is the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits", starting with an apple seed buried within the earth, awakening to the truth of itself, and to the truth of God within it, and to the truth of the earth it is buried within, and the apple tree hidden within it, and the apple fruits hidden within the apple tree, and the sweet taste hidden within the apples, and again the apple seed hidden within the sweet taste of the apple, but this time a 1000 fold.

Bawa.  That is, awakening to the truth that They are all One, that is, the earth, the apple seed, the apple tree, the apples, the sweet taste of the apple, and again the apple seed, are all One, One within the Other as One, One revealing the Other, while disappearing within the One being revealed, only to appear again in the Next Cycle, in the Next Cycle of the AppleTree-Apple/Apple-AppleTree. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
6.  Understanding The "Great Transitions" of Life - both within you, as God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, as God on the "outside" of you, allowing the Grace of God to flow into your life, bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of the Creation of God within God within you, if they like, and for a little while bringing Judgment and Salvation to all of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, if you like, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And if you let Your Guru on the "outside" of you make this Transition within you, from Guru within you to God within the Guru within you, by you making the Transition on the "outside" of you, from My Children to Guru, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, then God within the Guru will do "Everything Necessary" to make your life truly successful in your lifetime, by making the Transition from God within the Guru within you to True Disciple within God within the Guru within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to both the True Disciple and the Guru on the "outside" of you, and that is for sure. Amen. Ok?

Bawa. With you on the "outside" of you Stepping Back on the "outside" of you, making the Guru on the "outside" of you your only "outside" of you, letting Everything Else on the "outside" of you End, as the shadow of you, as the shirt of you, as the dream of you, as the lives of darkness and evil of you, so the True Disciple can Step Forward within the Guru within you, to learn what it came here to learn, by studying within you as His School, by praying on you as His Prayer Mat, by growing God's Crop and God's Harvest on you as His Earth on His Farm, by understanding His Drama on you as His Stage, for then and only then, will your life truly become successful in your lifetime, as "One with" God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And if you do this, day in and day out, moment by moment, at the feet of Your Guru on the "outside" of you, until the last day of your life, giving up all of your doing it alone, without Your Guru on the "outside" of you, giving up all of your thinking that your thoughts are your guru, that you thoughts are your wisdom, giving all of this up completely, no matter how exalted you have made them out to be, that is, your thoughts, your intentions, and your actions, all of which is just a dream, all of which is "Just Not True", then and only then will you truly take refuge in the Guru and "See God" within Him within you, then and only then will you become the Guru, disappearing within the Guru, as the Guru becomes God, disappearing within God, as God becomes the True Disciple, disappearing within the True Disciple.

Bawa.  First on the "outside" of you and then within you, for then and only them will God alone become the inside of you, for then and only them will your "outside" truly become only the Children of the Guru, who in truth is everyone living in your age, all of whom then become Your Children, all of whom Then become, for you, My Children, and within each of them within you, that is, within God within you, is Now Again the True Disciple who God within you is raising, raising that True Disciple in truth, First as the "Guru happening" within God within you, then as "God happening" within the "Guru happening" within God within you, and then as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the "Guru happening" within God within you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
7.  Let God Finish What God Started - a very, very long time ago, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that would be good.  Good for you, Good for "Us", and Good for the Creation of God, and for a little while, Good for your brothers and sisters, if you like. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  Such is this "Extraordinary Process" of God just waiting to occur within you, if you like, that is, if you will only give up all of your current craziness, all of your current silliness, all of the work and learning and effort of the shirt, of the shadow, of the drama, all of which is only leading you to hell, that is, to an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, if you are not wise, that is, if you do not wise up before it is too late, and let God finish what God has already started within you, a very, very long time ago, even before you came to this earth world, which is for God to reveal God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And in this way, you must truly learn from Your Guru on the "outside" of you to do this within you, before you die to the flesh, and before "The Beast" comes out of at least one of My Children and destroys the "outside" of you for all of My Children, all of which is most certainly going to happen in your lifetime, then your life will truly become successful in your lifetime, for this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for your age and for your life.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
8.  Understanding The Exaltedness of Your Life - which is you living as God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, if you like

Bawa.  For then, This Is The True Exaltedness of Your Life, that is, You as the Guru on the "outside" of Your Children, with God and only God within you, teaching the True Disciple within God within you, who "He Already Is", which is God, and in this way, with You allowing God within you to finish telling and bringing to Completion His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", which is God revealing God to God within God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within You, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
9.  You Are Heading In The Right Direction - but there is still a flaw in your logic, like the black dot on a while cow, it is still a black cow, that is, only God can return to God, not you in your current state, not you living as if you are "separate from" God, not you as the Shirt of the 5 elements, of the 5 ruhanies, telling your parents "false story", not you as the 7 Robes, as the Dream, as the Drama.  All that can do is End, not get better, not return to God.  So First this must End, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, that is, First "you" as these things must End, so You as what transcends them can Begin.  That is, First "your cup" must be emptied, in partnership with God within you, before God can fill it again, First the Child of Darkness must truly begin to leave, truly begin to End, so the Child of Light can truly begin to Come Forward, truly begin to Start.  And to do this, you must be truly done with it, done with the Shirt of the 5 ruhanies, and with your parent's false story, and begin to understand the Shirt of the Qutbiyyat of God and the Story of God, that is, you must be truly done with the Child of Darkness, and begin to understand the Child of light, and see and understand the difference between the two, the difference which is God, the difference which is "Your Oneness". 

                                                                      - go to "Text of Topic 09"
Expanded Overview of Topic 09:

Bawa.  So First Everything currently in your cup must be emptied, by God within you, and Then God will fill your cup again, that is, when you are truly done with it, with what is Now in your cup, that is, when you truly understand it, for what it is, and have rejected it from you, having seen and understood its falsehood, having seen and understood its worthlessness, for in truth,

          "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood, for that is the reason it is there
          in the first place, for understanding to occur". Amen. Ok. 

Bawa.  And you have yet to do that, or truly even Start to do that, in partnership with God, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, but you still can, you still can Start to do this, if you like, for the Choice is always yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to join in partnership with God within you, both within you and for a little while on the "outside" of you, to do this, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, if you like.

Bawa.  That is, you can Start to do this in your life, if you like, but the First Step in this direction, of Ending you as "separate from", and beginning You as "One with", must come from you, that is, to truly let you End on the "outside" of you, and to truly let God Begin within you. Amen. Ok?

                                                                      - go to "Top of Topic 09"
Text of Topic 09:

Bawa. Thank you again for the beautiful sharing last night, it was really beautiful.  After saying the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within "Us", and handing what was shared to God within "Us", the following additional clarity came into the heart of this child, if you like.

Bawa. Yes, this Understanding is heading in the right direction within you, that is, for you to First surrender to God on the "outside" of you in order to become "One with" God within you, so God within you can then reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters.

Bawa. But the way you are thinking about it is still flawed, for it is not "you" who surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, rather it is God within you that surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, rather it is that aspect of you that is God within you but without an understanding of itself, that surrenders to God, when it comes to an Understanding of who "It Already Is", which is "Of God" within you, and "Of what is within God" within you, and "Of what God is Doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child is Now doing, if you like. Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  All of which in truth is "Who you are", that is, is who all of My Children are, but without an understanding of who "You Already are", and this and only this is what surrenders to God on the "outside" of you, that aspect of you that in truth is already God within you, but without this understanding, for in truth only God can surrender to God, not what God has discarded, not "you" living on the illusory "outside" of you, and not any of the "very real but false" current inside of you, that continually show you the illusory "outside" of you, as "who you are", as "where you are", and as "what is happening" in you life, that is, that you and My Children Now see in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, but all of which is "Just Not True".  Amen. Ok?

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.

End of "Page 1 of 2" of
Spiritual Letter 128
- E-mail Version -
"With Outline"

This page was last updated on: June 14, 2007